Sixty Four

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Nobody's POV:

Hermione Granger and Charles Ace are both on their way to the Black Lake, the place they had promised to meet each other at. Charles had prepared a lovely date, first, they would wine and dine, then, they would share a long, lovely swim. Hermione was excited for the date, though since she hadn't the slightest clue that they were swimming, she did not take her potion. She did not feel the need to, for it would be a date. Charles had said they would wine and dine, though he did not share his vision of the pleasureful night he had planned for after that.

Hermione fiddles with the charms on her bracelet that rested on her arm as she heads down to the entrance to the grand school. She was excited to go see her love, but nervous at the same time.

Charles held the bottle of wine in his hands. Wine was something with a strong scent, so whatever she smelled in Amortentia could easily be explained by the scent of the wine.

They both nearly collide into each other as they reach the front door, both apologizing almost immediately.

"Sorry!" Hermione squeaks, straightening out the wrinkles in her tight-fitting dark blue dress. Draco had stared at her sadly when she walked out in it, though she hadn't the slightest idea why.

Charles just laughs and kisses Hermione lightly on the cheek. Hermione shudders at the blissful feeling, it was like hell-heaven. Hermione bit her lip in confusion, but shook the thought away as Charles spoke.

"I do believe it's my fault, though I don't mind bumping into a beautiful lady every so often." Charles says, pulling his lips away from Hermione's cheek.

Hermione blushes but doesn't say anything. She tries to, of course, but the words bubble up in her throat. She opens and closes her mouth like a fish gasping desperately for water, but the words never end up leaving her mouth.

Charles was too busy looking up and down Hermione's body to notice this. He simply held out his arm instead, preparing to lead her to the wonderful feast he had spread. Hermione gladly takes his arm and allows him to lead her to the wonderfully spread feast, smiling up at her 'true love'.

In their own dorms, Stacy and Draco both lay alone on their beds, thinking thoughtful thoughts of their spouses. Their spouses who were supposed to be with them, but were instead with each other. How unfair must the world be?

They had both made mistakes, yes. They had both made terrible mistakes, but they really had little to no choice. Mistakes could oftentimes be forgiven and learned from, but others were unforgivable. Yet, did either of them truly deserve what was happening to them?

Stacy thinks about Charles, but is frightened at the mere thought of him. Her husband had threatened to beat her, and she did not feel like being beaten. Stacy had never done anything wrong, but at this point, it truly felt like she had. She loved Charles, once upon a time, but he slowly became a twisted, vile monster. A part of her still hoped that the real Charles was there, the sweet caring Ravenclaw he once used to be. But no matter how long and hard she had dreamed, she knew it was only a wish, and a useless one at that.

Draco Malfoy lay there, all alone, wishing that Charles Ace had not given his loved one those horrid potions. The one person whom he had ever felt emotions for was out of his grasp. He could do absolutely nothing, and he hates it. He hates how in love with Charles she looked. He hates how much Hermione talks about him, and how she talks about him as if he were her everything. He hates how Hermione Granger no longer felt anything for him, because she was the only one who had been able to bring him back from his darkest of times. He hates everything about this situation, but he could not do anything. The fact that he could not do anything only made him hate the situation even more.

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