I have no title for this but it's Part 80

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Astoria's POV:

How Ginny managed to become a whale and not care is totally beyond me.

Well, not that she's a whale, but we're all losing our figures.

Pansy looks really big, bigger than Ginny! Considering she's a month behind I'm getting a bit concerned.

Then again, who knows? Maybe she's having twins.

Or triplets.

Dear god that would be terrible. I hope I have one kid at a time. If not...wao. Can you imagine the pain?

I really don't feel like having to go through any of that. Maybe I could just disappear off the face of the Earth?

Nevermind, I'm Astoria Greengrass. I'm a badass, I don't run away from my problems!


Alright I don't run from pregnancy. In fact, I can't! Sooner or later I won't be able to run at all. Only to the toilet.

I'm so thankful Luna and I aren't at the really, truly horrible morning sickness stage yet.

"Yeah, can't wait for that!" I snort.

"Can't wait for what?"

I look up from my position on my perfectly comfy chair, craning my neck to see the person next to me.

Ah, of course, Blaise Zabini. My husband. My husband. My husband.

The fact that I finally got to marry my childhood crush was amazing, though he only ever married me for the marriage law. I know he loves me now, but would he have loved me if it weren't for this?

Hmph, must be the hormones causing me to think like that, right?

"Morning sickness," I respond, unable to force the growing smile upon my lips from forming at the mere sight of him. "I 'can't wait' until I have bad morning sickness."

He squints at me, trying to figure out my thought process. "I can."

Narrowing my eyes, I seethe. "Thanks."

"Your welcome!" He chirps, walking off to do who knows what.

"Men," I chuckle, shaking my head from side to side. I stop abruptly. "Boys."

Hermione's POV:

I swear I'm in...well...not heaven right now.


Because of double wedding preparation, that's why.

First was going to be Lavender and Ron's then Luna and Neville's, within a span of three days!

Three. Days.

That meant Ron and Lavender's wedding would have to be set up on the fourth, held on the fifth, and cleaned up on the sixth. That also means that Neville's has to be prepared on the seventh, held on the eighth, and cleaned up on the ninth.

How did people expect this to work! Even with magic, most things had to be done by hand. Ornaments and decorations have to be rearranged and rearranged constantly until the perfect position is found.

Some people also slack off, such as Theo and Blaise. We had one week until everything needs to be prepared, and some things were still being shipped in!

"It's not 'going to be okay', idiots!" I huff, stacking boxes on boxes which are stacked on top of boxes on boxes! "It's their wedding!"

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