39: Expecto Patro-A Ferret?

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Draco's POV:

Ginny stares at the letter in my hands, a bit confused. She unfolds it and starts to read.

"Dearest Daughter,

Your father and I wanted to have the whole family for Thanksgiving, and all of your friends are invited too.

Please write back soon,

Much love,


Ginny sighs in relief. "We're all invited to my mother's Thanksgiving party, basically."

I nod. "You want to go, I assume?" I ask Hermione. She nods eagerly.

"Of course! Although...if you want to spend the day with your parents then-" She starts to ramble, and I would never admit this to anyone but herself, but her ramblings were quite cute. The way she could continue to talk about something she was passionate about for hours and hours, was a rare and...rather attractive quality of hers.

"I'll see them later," I assure her. "There's no need to make a scene." I frown thinking about how much the Weasley's probably hated me.

Pregnant Potter-To-Be fiddles with her letter. "I could ask if your parents could come..."

I shake my head. "Very generous of you, but I don't think your mother would appreciate the man who was on the side that killed her son being in her house." I shudder thinking about it. My father and her father had never exactly been on the best terms, it was probably for the best that he didn't go.

"Nonsense!" She exclaims. "He'll be Hermione's father-in-law, he must come. Besides, if he does anything wrong I can just tie him up, right?" She grins at me, a bit evilly. How Slytherin.

I gulp. "Of course!"

Hermione giggles from beside me. "I think Mum will get along wonderfully with Narcissa, they both love cooking, planning, throwing parties, mingling, they're almost the same person!"

I stare at her, a bit confused.

"We both call her mum, since we've lost ours." Harry explains, his arm around Potterette-To-Be's waist. "She's always been like a mum to us, so." He shrugs.

My brain thinks back to the moment when I told Hermione I could find a way to undo the Obliviate charm. It's true, it had been done with one of the Death Eater's children.


"Who ARE you!" Miscella screamed at her mother and father.

"Your parents, my baby girl," Her mother cooed.

"You aren't my parents!" Miscella screeched. She cowered in fear, hiding and burrowing herself into the corner of the room.

I step out of the shadows. "Miscella, they are telling the truth." I drawl, pulling out my wand. She cowers in fear.

"Wh-what are you going to d-do to m-me?" She stutters.

"Bring back your memory," Her father explains. "He's going to remove the charm-"

"Magic isn't r-real you f-fool!" She cries, covering her face and chest with her arms and hands.

"He's helping you, darling," Her mother pleads. "Just let him do it!" She hands me a vial of her memories, ones filled with strong emotions about her daughter.

"Thank you." I frown at the pitiful girl in front of me. I pull out my wand and slowly pull out a single memory from the jar.

"H-how?" Miscella asks.

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