Seventy Three: Make up With Your Husband

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Hermione's POV:

Draco decides to confront me about babies...really?

I sigh and figure out where he's coming from. It was a serious matter, but at our best friend's wedding?

I shove my face deeper into my pillow, trying to ignore the soft snores coming from the blonde on the couch, in the same conditions as we were in not only months ago.

"You should..." I take yet another glass of champagne (my fifth glass) and tap my foot on the ground, impatient with myself.

I attempt to clear my brain of the thoughts, but they come flooding in, not caring about my lack of consent.

He smirks as I continue to stutter about my words. "What, Hermione? What did you say? I should...?"

Oh right now I wish I wiped the smirk off his face, the prick! How dare he-

I open my mouth once again, but (sigh, oh yeah, this again), nothing comes out.

Oh god this is embarrassing to even think about! I should stop thinking about it....

"Stayonthecouchagain!" I scream, causing several people nearby to shoot me weird looks.

If my life was a movie, I would feel second-hand embarrassment and embarrassment. This is truly terrible-

"I'm sorry, what?" Instead of looking smug, Draco looked rather confused. Like he couldn't figure out what I was saying.

Yeah I wouldn't be able to figure out either.

"Stay on the couch!" I chug the rest of my champagne and scamper, head down and embarrassed. I hear Draco whisper a faint 'okay', and I smile to myself.

And there he is now, snoring away.

I regret asking him to come back because he bloody woke me up! It was his first day back! Git!

"Shut. It." I growl, disappearing into the covers.

Oh hey remember that time when you tried to disappear from society but you couldn't because you're Hermione Granger? Yeah, that was fun. Let's do that again, shall we?

Draco snores again, softly and peacefully.

I'm going to snatch your peace and replace it with pain, ferret!

I carefully (and sadly) tiptoe out of bed and into the bathroom. I take some shaving cream from one of my drawers (I should really invent a shaving spell, shouldn't I?) and shake it up as I walk towards Draco again.

He rolls over and mutters some inaudible in his sleep that sounds like 'Bloody beaver', but I don't really care.

I position the shaving cream can over Draco's slightly opened mouth and spray it. The cream is a light shade of pink and it flows everywhere, creating a huge mess, but nothing a little 'scourgify' couldn't fix. The tschh of the shaving cream coming from the spout is mixed with Draco's high-pitched screams.

"WHAT THE-BLIMEY HERMIONE!" Draco spits out the shaving cream from his mouth, creating an even bigger mess that I would have to clean up.

He glares at me with a murderous glint in his eyes. "What the BLOODY was that for!"

I throw the can over my shoulder and walk towards my wardrobe. "You woke me up," I explain, pulling out black leggings and a yellow sweater.

I feel the cold presence known to me as Draco Malfoy behind me. Feeling somewhat intimidated, I take a nervous breath and gulp, closing the door.

When I turn around, his icy glare is on me. I stare back at him, trying my best to seem uninterested, though I can't help the slightly tingling blush that arises to my cheeks.

"There were other ways to tell me that," He growls.

I feel my heart speed up, occasionally skipping a beat. This one moment lasts for an eternity, a very enjoyable eternity that I do not mind.

I start to lean in subconsciously, smirking in my mind as he begins to do the same thing.

He presses me up against the wardrobe and places a light kiss to my lips, only brushing his over mine.

He pulls away, eyes still closed.

No matter how much I love this, I knew I had to go. With one last longing look directed towards him, I slink away and into the bathroom, outfit still in my hands.

Pansy's POV:

Pregnancy is not fun, let me tell you.

It's like a nine month long period, except the blood is replaced with a miniature human being inside you that continues to grow.

Why do some people enjoy this? It's miserable.

The only enjoyable thing is watching my husband run around like a lunatic every time I ask him for something.

I once asked him to get me a glass of water and he literally flew down the stairs. I'm not kidding, he jumped and belly-slided down and crawled over to the water dispenser on our fridge and sprinted up the stairs.

I honestly could have waited a few minutes.

Really! I could have.

I mean it was hilarious and all, especially when Theo, Ron and Harry were running around together. They would get in each other's way and scream at the top of their lungs, fearing what would happen if they didn't please our needs.

It's true, sometimes I do overreact, but I couldn't help it, could I?

Well I mean I could, but the look on Theo's face is priceless!

Like now for example, I asked him to get me a burger with no mustard and he put mustard on it.

"THEODORE!" I screech, spitting out the disgusting food from my mouth, retching as the mustard sticks to the top of my throat, refusing to leave my mouth.

"Y-yes, Pans?" He backs up against a wall, most likely knowing what's coming.

"I said, no mustard!" I yell, throwing the plate like a frisbee across the room. He ducks at the make-shift frisbee (with the burger still on it) goes flying at his face, splattering sauce all over his hair.

"S-sorry Pans I'll-" He holds his hand up in surrender as he pushes himself into the wall.

I stomp towards him and poke him in the chest with my finger with every word I say. "Theodore Nott I swear if you can't follow basic-"

He cuts me off, kissing me, and I kiss back, almost immediately forgetting oru little spat.

Draco wanders into the kitchen in the midst of our makeout session, looking completely starstruck.

I shove Theo off of my and lean over the counter, waiting for Draco to explain himself.

He jerks out of his daze about five minutes later and notices me staring. He clears his throat.

"I kissed Hermione," He says, gazing lovingly at the ceiling (I swear he had hearts in his eyes.)

They must be getting better...oh that's so sweet!

I scoff.

Thanks to hormones, now I'm near tears! ARGHHH! 

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