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A/N: AHHHHHH SO CLOSE TO 1k READS MY OWLETTES! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, OH MY GOD! I know, I know, 200 is a long way away but hey! I started it in early May!

If you haven't already, please check out my other works too! It would mean the world, owlettes! :) ♡🦉

Hermione's POV:

With a shudder, I realize that I had just spilled my secret.

To all the guys. Every single one.

To Draco.

I look up at him to see him fuming, but I don't care. Charles had left me for who I was, but I still loved him. How could this be?

Perhaps I was actually drugged? Everybody constantly mentioned it, so it's possible that it was true...that would explain why I still love Charles...or at least...I think I do...

Draco gets up, still fuming, and stomps up the stairs. Theo and Blaise follow him, shooting me an apologetic look.


I regret telling them that, it should have been a secret. I didn't need to tell them and if I hadn't, everything would have been fine. Ron looks mad too, though not nearly as mad as Draco. Harry, well, poor Harry still looks confused.

I sniff and slowly stand up, looking at Ron, Harry and Neville. "I'm sorry," I whisper hoarsely.

Neville stands up to give me a hug, and I happily hug him back. "It's okay, 'Mione," He tells me.

I sniff again. "B-but it's n-not!" I howl, tears cascading down my cheeks like a never ending river. Harry stands up too, still looking confused.

For The Chosen One, he's not that bright. (Sorry Harry, but it's true and you know it! Or perhaps you don't, that would make sense.)

"We know now, and you must have had your reasons." Harry pats my shoulder as he joins the hug between Neville and I.

Pansy sniffs, becoming emotional. "This is all so..."

"Sweet!" Ginny bawls, also crying now.

Ron snorts. "Hormones much?"

"Yes!" Lavender snaps at him. Ron immediately shuts up, obviously scared about his pregnant and angry wife.

"We'll take care of Draco, 'Mione," Astoria assures me. I sniffle (for like the hundredth time, I swear I'm not usually like this!) and smile at her.

"He'll be asking you to the Valentine's ball before you know it!" Luna assures me, but instead of smiling, I frown.

"That's in exactly a week?" I bite my lip, trying to figure out how they could possibly get Draco to like me in seven days once again. It seemed impossible! (Don't give me the whole 'Impossible-I'm possible' spiel, Draco is much too stubborn to, well...you know...)

"Oh well....." Luna trails off and finds an interest in I-really-don't-know-what but it's something.

"'Mione, you need to listen to me," Harry instructs, holding a vial of a glowing amber liquid. I immediately recognize it as the antidote to Amortentia.

"What do you have that for?" I ask him, even though I know why he has it. I was starting to process things, and my befuddled brain was becoming less and less befuddled by the second.

"Hermione," Harry warns dangerously. He uncorks the bottle and grabs my chin, tipping it back. I try to wrench my jaw from his hands, but he only holds me down harder.

Harry prepares me for what he is about to do. "3...2...1...!" I struggle in his grasp, but he keeps me steady as he forces the potion down my esophagus.

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