Four: Secret-Keeping

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Hermione's POV:

I ran to the Astronomy tower and sat down, breathing hard. There was no way I could marry Malfoy the bouncing white ferret-face! I was supposed to marry Ron!

I let out another sob, thinking about all the secret-keeping I had done. Was it time to come clean? After years of hiding who I truly was, maybe it is a good time. I try to calm myself down, but I hear footsteps. I gasp, nobody can see me! I wave my hand in a couple of complicated motions and become invisible. I frowned to myself. This one trick is part of a whole lie I've been telling my friends! What should I do? I thought to myself. 

I steadied my breathing as Pansy, Ginny, Luna, Lavender, and Astoria came into view. They all looked worried. 

They all searched between the bricks and behind the shelves. Eventually, Pansy rushed to where I was sitting and kicked me. "Ow!" I exclaimed. Dropping my hands, I became completely visible. They all gasped.

"'Mione! How are you! We've been looking for you everywhere!" Ginny rushed to my side. 

Astoria gawked at me. "And how were you...invisible?"

I wiggled out of Ginny's grasp. "Spell," I mumbled. "I don't want to marry the ferret-face, Gin!" My shoulders slumped some more. "This is horrible..."

Pansy sighed. "Look, I know that Draco can be a right prat sometimes-"

"Sometimes?" Lavender asked.

"Ok, most of the time," Pansy continued. "But if he is a really good person when you get to know him!" Astoria nodded in agreement. "I've spent my whole life with him, he really isn't that bad."

I sniffed a bit. "M-maybe but h-he was so m-mean to me!" I put my head in my head. "H-he called me...MUDBLOOD!" I howled. I lifted up my arms and showed them the scar. They all flinched a bit.

"Hermione, I know that my words aren't worth as much as his, but he really is sorry." Astoria grabbed my arm and put it back down by my side. I sobbed even more. They were all being so kind, and all I'd done was keep a secret from them! I felt more horrible by the second.

"You know," Lavender said. "You should go talk to him." I looked up at her. "You just may be surprised by what he says." I nodded. An owl swooped by and dropped a letter into my arms. Luna picked it up and read:

"Girls, please meet me in the Great Hall.


Well, that was short and straight to the point!" Luna hoisted me up. 

"To the Great Hall!" Ginny sang. She pointed towards the great hall. I let out a small chuckle.

"To the Great Hall!" We all echoed.

Draco's POV:

Ouch. That hurts. 

I calmly walked towards Blaise and Theo as Granger slammed the doors shut. Several moments later, Astoria and Pansy were dragged away from us. I frowned.

"C'mon mate, cheer up! At least she doesn't hate  hate you anymore!" Theo chirped. 

"Still hates me enough," I grumbled. Potter and Weasley walked towards us. 

"Hey," Blaise piped up. "Where'd the girls go?"

"To find 'Mione," Potter answered. He turned towards me. "Look Malfoy, I know that you changed and that you're trying to be a better person, but I'm only going to warn you once. If you hurt 'Mione, I'll make you feel pain that's more horrific than the Cruciatis Curse, you hear me?" 

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