Chapter 6: Cat's out of the Bag

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Hermione's POV:

I looked at my girls. We were an absolute mess! We had been running around the grounds for ages, it was about 10:00 now, and we left at 7:00!

We sat under a tree. Pansy pulled a vial out from her pocket. "Truth or Truth?" She smiled. We all nodded in agreement. "Ok. Rules. Drink the Vertitaserum. That's it. Then the truth will spill!"

"Me first!" Lavender squealed. She dropped a couple of drops into her mouth, then passed the vial around. After we had all taken some, we decided what question to ask her.

"How do you feel about the marriage law, and getting Ron as a spouse?" Luna asked. 

Lavender blushed. "Well, he's actually been my crush for a while now, so I'm pretty happy with it! I feel horrible because I'm coming between him and Hermione, but the string is never wrong, right? I'm pretty excited about the whole wedding thing because I'll have five amazing girls with me! Not happy about the pregnant part, but overall pretty happy!" She clamped a hand out her mouth. "Shoot!" We all giggled. "My turn to ask! Hm...Ginny! What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?" 

Ginny paled, but she couldn't help but spill the truth. "Well, it was my first year at Hogwarts, right? Anyways I really liked Harry, but he refused to date me because he didn't like me and we were like, what, twelve? Yes, he was twelve and I was eleven. I decided to send him a singing Valentine and he was super embarrassed. Then Malfoy started teasing me in front of like...uh you know, literally everybody!" 

I giggled. "I remember that! When we went to our next class he said your face matched your hair, super red!" Ginny blushed even deeper.

"Er..ok..." She looked around. "Pansy! How many guys have you dated, why, and who were the most memorable!? 

"At least 70. Pureblood mania. Draco, Theo, McLaggen, Flint, Grudeback." She grimaced. "All of them suck."

Luna gasped. "What about Theo!?"

"He's a dimwit." Pansy shrugged. "A hot dimwit." she giggled. "Alright, Luna, what would you change about your life and why?"

"Well, I would want my mother back." Luna looked down sadly. "She died when I was about 9. I would want her back completely, not like some ghost of who she used to be. I never got to grow up with mother-daughter bonding, and I'd really like to experience that."

"That's! That's so! Sad!" Ginny handed a weeping Lavender a pack of tissues. 

"Life is life I suppose...Astoria. How often do you admire yourself in the mirror?" Luna asked. 

Astoria blushed a bit. "At least fifteen minutes every morning. I wake up, get ready, then look in the mirror and tell myself that it'll be a great day! Before I embarrass myself any further, Hermione! Is there something you've wanted to tell us, and what is it!?" 

I could feel the colour draining from my face. I had wanted to tell them my secret, but not like this! I, however, had no choice. Perhaps it was for the best. "Yes." I gulped, looking at each one of them in the eyes before finally saying, "I'm a...mythical being. I...can change into different animals and change my appearance." I paled as they all stopped breathing. They looked at me, absolutely stunned.

"W-what?" Ginny asked. 

"Basically, a shapeshifter. Or an animagus for any animal or mythical being and a metamorphagus. However you want to say it." I looked down. "I-I'm sorry for not telling you guys earlier." 

"Hey," Luna put her arm on my shoulder. "It's okay! We all have secrets that we wanted to hide, but what's important is that we know now." 

I smiled at her. "Thanks, Luna." 

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