9-Life Classes vs Us

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Hermione's POV:

I was slightly dreading my birthday.  It was going to be my Eighteenth birthday, the year I would inherit my Siren capabilities! I knew that the girls were definitely planning something, but they had to know about this! 

After Herbology ended, I pulled Ginny aside. "Look," I stated. "This year something big is going to happen. I'll inherit my Siren capabilities!"

Ginny looked confused. "So...? Aren't you already a shapeshifter?" She pulled open the door to the school and motioned me in. I turned my head back to see Malfoy and Harry running towards us. "Quick!" Ginny hissed. She pulled me behind a column.

Harry and Malfoy ran into view, looked around, then shrugged at each other. 

"It means if I touch any water I'll turn into a mermaid! I'll be able to control water or some stupid thing like that. I don't know! " I hissed under my breath. 

Her eyes widened. "I'll tell the other girls! Also, I'm pretty sure there's a potion for that!"

I nodded. "Thanks, Gin." I headed to Transfiguration

*Time skip to the Life Classes*

I walked into the new classroom. It was the room where the mirror of Erised had been, Harry told us, the teachers had just fixed it up. They really did. Instead of looking like an old, dark, dingy, and unused classroom, it had been brightened up. There were two rows of three large tables. Each table have twelve seats, perfect! I looked at them closer and realized that we had been placed with our spouses. This is going to be...interesintg..., I thought. Thre were three tables on the left, three on the right, and a nice 3 foot path in between the two. At the front of the classroom there was a desk, a podium, and a couch. 

I sat in my seat and popped a Lemon Drop into my mouth. Malfoy slid next to me. I looked down at my twiddling thumbs awkwardly.

Professor Sprout stepped up to the Podium. "Good evening class!"

"Good evening, Professor Sprout!" the class echoed.

"I will be teaching your life class today," she cleared her throat. "Today's class is going to be very easy, I'll give each couple a Couple's Diary. It is enchanted so only the couple can open it and write in it. You will also not run out of pages for the whole year, so feel free to write in it whenever you wish! Today, you will go to the "Important Dates" section, and write in important dates for each other. Then you will write an entry about how your relationship has been doing since you were paired together. The entry must be at least a page long. If you finish early, you may leave early. You may begin!" Professor Sprout hopped down from the podium and sat on the couch. She pulled a copy of The Quibbler from the desk and started reading.

A diary whizzed over and planted itself in front of Malfoy and I. I pulled out a quill and ink bottle before turning to the important dates section. I cleared my throat. "So we'll put in wedding dates, holidays, birthdays, and appointments, right?"

He didn't respond. I poked his shoulder. "What?!" He asked. He looked at the diary. "Oh, yeah, sure..." He continued to stare off into space. 

I sighed, writing down everything I had mentioned. I wrote down everybody's birthdays and all the holidays. We didn't have any wedding dates or appointments yet, so after about five minutes, I looked up again. "Diary entry time," I muttered under my breath. Malfoy snapped back to reality and looked at me. "I'm going first," I insisted. 

September 17th

Hermione: So far,  life Malfoy and everything that comes with him has been eventful. His friends are amazing! Astoria and Pansy are my best friends now, something I never would have expected just a month ago!
Malfoy isn't the git he used to be-

"Thanks," Malfoy snorted. I glared at him. 

-but I still don't want to marry him.

"The feeling's mutual-" 

I'm still confused as to why I woke up the day after I went 'clubbing' with him right next to me! I wish I knew what happened...

Malfoy grabbed the quill and diary from me. He started scribbling furiously. I watched him and examined his face. He stuck his tongue out a bit. It was actually kind of cute-

Stop it, 'Mione! I told myself. You can't think about him like that! Anyways...there's no way he'd ever feel the same! 

I looked down to see what he was writing. 

Draco: The night after Granger went clubbing, I did go to bed with her. I put an enlargement charm on the bed before I slept, but she had rolled over to my side.

I'm not very sure about how I feel about being forced to marry Granger. I do know, however, that she's a great person for the likes of me. I don't know how my mother will react, but I hope she likes Granger. 

He put the quill down and leaned back in his chair. "Are...are we...done?" I squeaked, feeling a bit nervous. Why'd he write al that...in front of me!?. He nodded tensely. "I....I'll go give this to...um..." I trailed off. I stood up and returned the diary to Professor Sprout who told me to keep the journal. I took one last look at Malfoy, but realized he was gone.

Draco's POV:

I don't know why I wrote that. I really don't.

I strutted through the halls towards the Great Hall for dinner. Granger and I had finished class early, so I had a bit of time. Turning back, I walked towards the bathroom that Potter had nearly killed me in in sixth year. 

I punched the wall and watched as small chunks of brick fell to the ground. I swore. Why did everything have to be so complicated?

I was due to be married to Granger. Ok, that had sunk in. But why had I written those words as she watched?

I punched the wall again. This time, a stream of blood trailed down my pale fingers. I cussed again and muttered a quiet, "Episkey," before picking up my bag and entering the Great Hall. 

This time, the house tables were still there, but a bit shorter. At the back was a bunch of round tables, again. Well, looks like I'm sitting next to Granger again! I walked over to a table and started piling my plate high with food. I saw the rest of my group walk in and rush over to me. Astoria ran to my side.

"Draco! Where were you? We were so worried!" Astoria gave me a tight squeeze before sitting next to Blaise. Granger sat next to me, looking worried. She grabbed my arm.

"Hey," Granger whispered. "Are you ok?" My heart instantly throbbed. I wanted to lean into her touch and tell her everything. I wanted her to hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright, but I knew that I couldn't do that.

"Yeah," I declared. "I just grabbed something from the common room. She looked a little unconvinced but decided not to dwell on the topic.

"So, Hermione," Neville smiled at her. "Any requests for your birthday?"

Granger snickered. "I want to punch Malfoy in the face again. Y'know, as I said earlier, let's relive our wonderful Third year!" All the Gryffindors howled. 

I tutted and put my head in my hands. "Your wish is my command, Granger." She giggled. I looked up in surprise, was she actually giggling at something I had said? I looked at her and gave her a lopsided smile. Maybe this marriage won't be so bad after all...
________________________________________________________________________________Hello Lovely Reader!
In this chapter, a couple of things will have changed. It's really just age, so that's it (Well ok, apart from the fact that Lavender's alive).
The whole concept of touching water and turning into a mermaid is from the show "H2O: Just Add Water", and "Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure".
Once again, the characters and world belong to J.K. Rowling, this is just my plot!
Thanks for reading!

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