Part Twenty-Seven:

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Lucius' POV:

I shudder in anticipation, something that I would not normally do.

Today is the day that I, Lucius Malfoy, am going to go to Hogwarts to meet my son's fiance, Hermione Granger. I would also be taking her to dinner to apologise for everything.

Just like my wife, I have given up my views on blood purity, however, I did not give up my views on what a proper Malfoy should be. I was going to whip that girl into shape before she married my son, whether she liked it or not.

"Lucius! It's time to go!" Narcissa calls. I grumble. How dare my son not tell me anything! Narcissa had already told me that she gave him an earful, but I really hoped I got the chance to give him another.

"We need to apparate to Diagon Alley first." My wife says from beside me. "Pansy and Theo are getting married first, so they are going first for everything. The rest of us are staying in a group." Narcissa straightens my tie and plants a small kiss on my cheek. "Please try not to kill Harry, dear, he's a very nice boy."

"I think they'll be the ones wanting to kill me," I drawl. I take my wife's hand and will myself to be in Diagon Alley. A familiar tugging sensation grows at my navel before a loud 'pop' is heard, and we are there.

I ignore the looks people give my wife and I and walk down the narrow alleyway. I walk along with my cane, which conceals my wand, and wrap an arm around my wife's waist.

Since the war ended, I had been cleared of time in Azkaban. Really, I didn't know why, but I was glad that I wouldn't have to return to that prison.

Narcissa looks around and spots Draco, standing a good distance away from Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, and Harry Potter, and looking at a shop window with brooms in it. I notice that Longbottom's kid and Xenophilius's kid are also there, along with the youngest Weasley, Theodore, Pansy, Astoria, and Blaise.

"Uncle Lucius!" Theo exclaims, wrapping me in a tight hug.

I clear my throat. "MHM, yes, hello, Theodore." I pat his back awkwardly.

Blaise holds out his hand. "We've missed you uncle."

I give Blaise the tiniest smile known to man at his manners that are certainly much better than Theodore's.

Astoria and Pansy curtsy at me. "Uncle Lucius." They chorus.

I bow. "Miss Greengrass, Miss Parkinson, lovely to see you again. Pansy, I hear you're marrying Theodore?" Theodore wraps his arms around Pansy's shoulders.

Pansy makes a disgusted face. "We're in public, don't you dare embarrass me." I smirk, Well, at least this one was raised right.

Theodore huffs. "Me? Embarrassing? Never!"

"WELL! We have an appointment at the bakery in a minute so let's get going, shall we?" My wife herds the young adults around. "If we are late because of some silly shenanigans, I will personally ensure that your wedding cake is full of spiders!"

Theodore gulps. "Message received, Aunt Cissa, message received."

Hermione Granger smacks my son on the shoulder and points to me. His face hardens and he slowly makes his way over. Miss Granger mutters something angrily to him and he takes a deep breath before walking over to us.

"Draco," I drone. "You have failed to inform me that you were due to marry Miss Granger. I am very disappointed."

"Should I care, father?" He snarls at me.

"Well why don't we just go in and try some cake!" Miss Granger suggests, cheerfully. "That's a good idea, 'Mione! Let's go!"

Draco shoots me one last glare before letting himself get dragged along with Miss Granger. "She's already as bossy as you, darling." I say to my wife.

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