Sixty Two-Fiasco P2

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Draco's POV:

Hermione whips around, and I can practically see the hearts forming in her eyes as she looks at him. Normally, I would roar at her for being unfaithful, but she was under the influence of a potion.

"Your lovely and extremely attractive classmate who needs to borrow a paring knife," The guy jokes.

"Of course," Hermione squeaks. A slight blush appears on her cheeks. A blush arises on my cheeks as well, but for a different reason.

I think Hermione just found 'her love', meaning that was the person who had given her the potion...? She was furiously blushing out of love.

I, on the other hand, was just blushing furiously, like, out of anger. I hate how happy she looked with somebody who wasn't me. I hate that some random person came up and they just begin to ogle at each other. I hate it, and I hate it with every fiber of my being.

"Sorry!" Hermione apologizes, most likely realizing that she had only been staring at him instead of handing him the tool he asked for.

The guy, who I don't know just laughs. "It's fine."

As Hermione gets the knife, she blushes a little more and asks him for his name. "I didn't quite catch it the first time, since you didn't quite say it." She smiles and hands him the knife, holding the blade so he can take the handle.

"I'm Charles. Charles Ace." Charles holds the hand without the knife in it out to Hermione, who gladly shakes it.

"Hi, Charles. Nice to meet you." I feign the fact that I'm okay with it, even though in reality, I want to stab him.

Charles turns around to smile at me, though it doesn't reach his ears like it had with Hermione. I honestly couldn't give a shit, I want him away from me and I want him away from me now.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mister Malfoy," He says coolly.

Hermione giggles, a high-pitched very un-Hermione giggle that she never would have done had she not been given the potion. "Always nice to know at least some men still have manners!"

Charles smiles, but the rest of our friend group starts to look over, probably wondering what was happening. Astoria and Pansy exchange worried glances while Harry and Ron whisper something to each other.

Thankfully, my mother walks by our table, pretending to help us, though I know her intention was fully to drive him away. At this moment, I have never felt so happy to have a mother like the one I do.

Narcissa's POV:

"Do you need any help?" I fake directring the questions towards Draco and Hermione, though I fully intend for it to send Charles Ace back to his own station, with his own wife. He may think that he's fooling people, but the disheartened look on Stacy Ace nee Lee's face says otherwise. (I had taken it upon myself to learn everybody's name, which of course, wasn't hard considering I have a excellent memory.)

Charles just innocently smiles, despite committing an obvious crime. There is nothing worse than upsetting my family, thank you very much. I could buy him and sell him a million times over, and still remain in the top ten in terms of money in the wizarding world (and the muggle word, of course).

What is this boy, absolutely brainless? It certainly seemed so, which is such a pity because he isn't bad looking at all. He had potential, and of course, this daft dumbo wasted it.

What. An. Idiot.

"Nothing, Narcissa. I simply had to ask dear Hermione if I could borrow one of her knives." Charles grins at me, an obviously fake smile. The fake smile I was taught to wear as a pureblooded woman. I continue to blatantly stare at him, not falling for his little act. Hermione smiles up at him before Draco quickly grabs her arm and asks her another question.

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