Chapter Fifty-Four: Oh...Oh No!

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A/N:Narcissa's New Year's party was Jan 1, not on New Year's Eve because that was the wedding. I didn't feel the need to write about it, but if anybody wants me to, I will! Happy reading!

Also, instead of saying readers I'm thinking of saying 'My lovely owlettes', what do y'all think?

Hermione's POV:

"Rise and shine, wifey!" A voice chirps.

I yelp and sit up abruptly, hitting the person above me, who must have been Draco, who else would have called me 'wifey'?

When I finish rubbing my head, I see that it is in fact Draco. I hiss. "I thought I told you not to call me that!"

Draco just smirks and runs a hand seductively down my torso. "I may have lied about that."

I turn over and harshly remove his hand, desperate to sleep just a while longer.

"Hermione," Draco whispers into my ear breathily. "We're going back to Hogwarts today."

I bolt up again, as excited at a five year old would be to get icecream. "This has been the best 48 hours of my life. I had a perfect wedding, I got to see my parents again, and I'm GOING BACK TO HOGWARTS!" I squeal excitedly and bounce around the bed, furtherly messing up the comforters.

Draco laughs softly. "I'm glad you like your gift. Now come on, breakfast is ready."

"Eat up, the train ride will be long," Narcissa chides, putting more food onto our plates.

I stare at the lavish spread. There must have been the same amount of food that there was at Hogwarts!

There was toast, jelly, fruit, pancakes, pancakes with abs (otherwise known as 'waffles'), eggs done in every way imaginable, bacon, sausages, potatoes, cereal and muffins, bagels, and donuts.

"Mum, we can get something from the trolley," Draco reminds her, refusing the food she offers him.

She bites her lip. "I don't want my son or his friends to starve, that's all." She looks at all of us.

Lucius awkwardly clears his throat. "Narcissa, I'm sure they'll be fine."

Narcissa looks down, embarrassed. "Of course, silly me."

"Nah, it's not silly," Ron sort of reassures her. "My mum literally forces us to take food, you're much less annoying."

She looks at him, a bit confused. "Thank you?"

Ron responds by shoving more food down his throat. "Gross, Ron!" Ginny complains, miming barfing.

Ron just shrugged and continued to shove more food down his throat.

"I can't even watch," Lavender retched, taking a sip of tea.

Lucius and Narcissa, as well as Draco, stared at Ron disapprovingly. I mean, I don't blame them. Living your whole life, having to be 'perfect', must have been a lot of strain. But it was also probably implemented into their minds, so seeing Ron be a complete and utter slob was most likely disgusting. Again, can you really blame them?

"Well, the train leaves in an hour, meaning we must apparate from the manor in forty five minutes." I say, chewing on a piece of sausage.

Draco snorts from beside me. "What?" I ask him.

He just smirks. "That's my Mrs. Malfoy, always knowing everything." I blush as he calls me 'Mrs. Malfoy'. All my friends giggled, and Narcissa smiled slightly. Lucius just looked as emotionless as ever.

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