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A/N: I'm having a major time skip because nothing really important happens, plus it would just be really long. No really this is the 70th chapter (0_o) WOW OMG! Love y'all! ♡🦉

Also, I'm kind of planning it out again, and it's beginning to make more sense! 

Nobody's POV:

**Time Skip: April 1st**

Time had somehow stopped flowing uniformly, sometimes speeding up or slowing down, and quite possibly flowing at different speeds for different people.

For Astoria and Blaise, with their up and coming wedding, time had flowed rather quickly with all the last minute preparations. They were trying to make everything perfect, though Astoria's mother was still not content with the bridesmaid and groomsman switch. ("It's untraditional, no Greengrass should do so!" "Then thank goodness I'm becoming a Zabini, mother!" Naturally, that didn't exactly go over well)

Meanwhile, other weddings were also coming up, and fast. Harry and Ginny's on May 2nd, Luna and Neville's on the 8th of June, just three days after Ron and Lavender's, the 5th.

Seeing as June 5th was also Draco's birthday, a surprise for him was underwraps, though with the stress of everything else, his birthday might end up long forgotten.

For the rest of the group as a whole, every day was a ticking time bomb. Draco and Hermione had yet to talk to the other, despite attempts made by everybody to bring them together. They were growing continuously scared for what might happen to the couple, afraid of what fate had in store for them.

After about three weeks of trying, Hermione eventually gave up with trying to get Draco to notice her once more. She focused mostly on her studies now, though she was also becoming increasingly concerned about the marriage law. If they waited much longer, the three year time span originally given to them would not be long enough for her to bear two children.

Draco continued on, trying to forget, but becoming more and more hurt each time. Whenever he tried to go back, he remembered how she had given up on him and their horrible past. How she had been tortured right in front of his eyes and he just stood there, unmoving, doing nothing.

All of Hogwarts, students and staff, as well as the rest of the wizarding world (Thanks, Rita Skeeter) knew about the situation as well. Draco and Hermione (Or, Dramione as The Prophet liked to call them) were the hottest new couple, ("Everybody loves a forbidden romance!) and as they "basically broke up", many were left heartbroken.

Dear Lord, when would this mess end? Hopefully soon because everybody's patience was running thin.

Draco's POV:

One month.

It had been one month since Hermione and I had shared a coherent conversation. Well, more like one and a half...okay fine...two months.

Everything was starting to eat me up, from the inside out.

I had ignored Hermione, first of all, despite all her attempts to get me to talk to her. But how could I?

She had lied to me, and yes, I overreacted, but it was too late now. She had given up on me, and when the roles had been reversed, she ignored me too, instead focusing on her studies.

Ginny had permanently moved in with Hermione, and I with Harry. Ginny agreed to this because "Harry literally forgot how to sleep, I swear that boy can be so stupid sometimes!"

I was going to be honest, I was, well, am, miserable without her.

Life classes had been borderline crime scenes half of the time, and just my luck, we had one right now.

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