Part 51: Bachelorette Parties at the Manor

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Hermione's POV:

Sadly, the time has come to leave The Burrow, and head to the Malfoy Manor.

It was pretty bittersweet. I would miss The Burrow, but staying in the manor would be a whole new experience. In would be my life.

Ginny comes up and stands next to me. "Please tell me you'll have a wedding night, I don't want to be the only one who's pregnant! It's getting tiring!" Ginny started to play with my hair and as she whined.

"Ginny!" I giggle. "I doubt that that's going to happen."

She smirks. "Just you wait and see!" She sing songs mysteriously.

I quirk and eyebrow as we step into a room with a portkey that would transport us to the Malfoy Manor.

"Ready?" Draco asks me, wrapping a hand protectively around my waist.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I respond, subconsciously pressing my body closer to his. His body heat leeches off to me, and I shiver a bit.

"3..." Astoria calls.

"2..." I press my hand against the portkey.

"1!" We all shout.

Instantly, a woozy feeling overtakes me. Everything goes blurry and I can't feel my limbs.

When I open my eyes, I gasp. There stood Malfoy Manor, standing menacing and proud.

There are ten floors (above ground at least), and there are gardens in front of it with pathways to the main entrance. Statues and gargoyles line the paths, along with little floating orbs of light.

"Kids!" Narcissa calls from inside the large house.

I look away from the massive size and expanse of everything and look towards the grand double doors. Lucius and Narcissa stand there proudly, opening the doors a bit wider.

"Come in!" Narcissa beckons us over and I can't help but feel drawn in.

Imagine how big the library is!

I grin. This was going to be amazing.

For once in my life, I was wrong.

Blaise and Theo had already invaded my room, and I hadn't even been here for fifteen minutes!

"We can be like your super fun brothers!" Theo said excitedly, gasping in awe once he saw my room.

"Yeah, come on! We won't mess anything up, promise!" Blaise shoved his way past me and into my room. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, just...keep everything neat?" I plead.

They share a grin. "Course, 'Mione."

We were staying in the West wing on the sixth floor. There were twenty doors, ten on each side. One side was decorated all for girls, and the other was decorated for all the guys.

Each room was unique. It wasn't fit exactly to each person, but we were able to choose which room we thought would best fit us.

"Theo!" I huff, stashing some sweaters into a large wardrobe. "Please get off my vanity!"

Theo continued to dance on the vanity, blasting music from my phone and speaker.


I turn around horrified, and see Blaise in a pile of dropped books. "Blaise!"

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