Chapter 2: Absolutely Atrocious!

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Draco's POV:

I put my head in my hands as sat down. It was our seventh-year redo, and I wasn't sure if I really wanted to be there. 

I had been a douche in all my time at Hogwarts, and I'd been forced into the wrong side of the war. I could just imagine the stares I'd get.

I looked down at my arm. The Dark Mark was still there, a constant reminder of all the wrong choices I'd made.

"Mate, are you ok?" Blaise Zabini asked. I looked up. I shared a compartment with Blaize Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, and Astoria Greengrass. It had always been us five. Ever since we were little, we hung out together. We ran through the halls of the manor, howling with laughter after we pulled a prank. We learned how to be a "proper member of the Pureblood Society" together.  For as long as I could remember, it had been us. 

"Not really," I replied. "People are gonna hate us!"

"That's never bothered you before, what's different now?" Pansy questioned me. 

"I don't know, the war!" I snapped back. Astoria shot me a glare. "Sorry," I mumbled. 

A chime sounded in the distance, signaling that it was time to get into our robes. 

"I think we should try to have a truce...," Astoria started. She was always the peacekeeper. She helped us get through fights like it was nothing. "...with the Gryffindors. What do you think, Pansy? Good idea, no?"

Pansy gave a small smile. "It'd be nice to turn over a new leaf I suppose..."

Theo snorted. "Right, like they'll ever forgive us! We bullied them for years!" 

"Yeah," Blaise agreed. "They'd probably die before they became friends with us!"

"It's not worth it," I sulked. "They hate us! It'd be easier to just punch them!" 

Theo snorted, rather loudly, again, then whispered, "I call that Longbottom kid!" 

Blaise snickered. "As long as I get Weasley!"

"Just you watch, Draco!" Astoria sang, grabbing her robes. "Pansy and I will talk to the girls. We'll be honest and we'll explain everything."

Pansy giggled. "You boys should talk to the Boy-Who-Lived and co.!" She strutted out of the compartment muttering, "Chin up! Smile bright, and take a deep breath..."

I walked with Blaise and Theo down to the Golden Compartment-the compartment with Potter, Weasley, Longbottom, and their girls. I knocked on the door, noticing that their Golden Girls were not there. Potter looked up at me. He looked on guard, but slightly curious. Weasley glared at me as if he wanted me dead (he probably did), and Longbottom looked neutral. Potter whispered something to the other two and slid open the door.

"Look, I don't know why you're all here, but make it quick," Potter demanded. 

I gulped. "Well, we just wanted to say that we were sorry for the way we had treated you in previous years I me-"

Weasley stepped forward, and through gritted teeth said, "An apology won't clear up years of bullying you litt-"

"DON'T ACTUALLY PUNCH THEM!!!" I heard Pansy screech. Pansy, Astoria, Granger, Weaselette, and Looney came running. 

Longbottom looked confused. "What? I thought Malfoy was apologizing..." 

I cleared my throat. "Well I was trying to but-"

"Harry, Ron, Neville, the girls have apologized to us," Granger explained. "I think it's time to forgive-ish-and forget-again, ish." 

Weasley seethed. "'Mione! He called you the m-word! Since our second year!"

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