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Hermione's POV:

I pin the last bit of my hair up and look at myself in the mirror.

"You're the most extraordinary girl, Hermione."

I stand up and spin around, looking at myself from every angle.

"You're not only beautiful, but-"

"HERMIONE!" Ginny bangs on the door, interrupting me from my thoughts. "Come on, everybody else is ready!"

I sigh again. Am I really ready to face Draco again?

After I had run off, he came to find me. We talked a bit, but eventually came to an agreement.

"I don't know where my emotions will take me, Draco Malfoy, but I do know that they are leading me...to you."

"Hermione Granger, you have no idea just how happy you made me."

"Don't break my heart."

"To break your heart would be breaking mine, I despise seeing you upset."

I wrench myself out of my memories and decide to put one last pin in my hair. "Coming, Gin!"

I open the door from the bathroom, and see everybody already in the tent, partying away!

The entire Weasley family was there, of course, except Fred. With a small pang, I remember that he was gone.

Turning away, I see Narcissa and Lucius talking with Xenophilius Lovegood.

Lavender's mum and dad spark up a conversation with Astoria and Blaise's parents, about what I'm not sure.

Pansy and Theo's parents remain together in a corner, talking with their children, who really look like they'd rather be anywhere else.

I walk over to the Malfoys, who all beam when they see me. (Except Lucius, he gives me an awkward pained smile, like he had no muscles in his upper lips to pull into a smile. It was a half grimace...honestly a bit terrifying.)

"Hermione!" Narcissa wrapped her arms around me, and I happily hug her back.

"Happy Christmas!" I exclaim, looking at each of them in turn.

Lucius sends a sly look at Draco, and he shifts uncomfortably. "Happy Christmas, Hermione."

Narcissa claps her hands happily. "Oh this is wonderful! You two will be happily married in the gardens of the Malfoy Manor!"

Lucius awkwardly intervenes. "Yes...happily I'm sure."

I think about saying something, but Molly calls out.

"Let's open the presents, shall we?" Molly beckons over to a large Christmas tree with piles and piles of presents under it.

To make sure everybody knew who's present was for who and which present came from who, there was a certain way it was organized. The colour or pattern of the wrapping paper indicated who the gift was from, and the colour and size of the bow and ribbons indicated who the gift was for.

My presents for others were wrapped in silver, and the bows I would be receiving would be gold.

We all sit under the tree, all almost a million of us. There were all the Weasleys, Malfoys, Browns, Longbottoms, Lovegoods, Greengrasses, Notts, Parkinsons, and Zabinis.

"Alright," I pull all the presents that I wrapped close to me. "To my best friend forever and always, Ginny!" I hand her the present I got her and she hands me a gift in return, grinning broadly.

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