79: Kidding or Not, That's The Tea!

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Warning: A little mature content. Will be marked with ********** and is in italic because it's a memory.

A/N: OH GOD GUYS WE'VE REACHED 1.4K READS AND 530 VOTES! THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH! ♡🦉 Also sorry for the short chapter, it's fathers day and I've been spending time with my father and grandfather.

Hermione's POV:

A weird feeling between my legs sharply hits me and I groan.

From beside me, Draco smirks, and I only groan louder, knowing what was coming next.

"I told you you wouldn't be able to walk," He gloats, proud of himself.

"I haven't tried walking yet, have I?" I snap, standing up. I purposefully smack the covers over Draco, to which he laughs in response.

I take one small step forward and brace myself for impact with the floor.

My legs feel weak, unable to carry the weight of my upper body. This wasn't a problem of my knees, but of my core.

"Told you!" Draco howls, rolling out of bed.

"Shut. UP!"

Draco wraps a hand around my waist to help steady myself from our 'ministry assigned homework' last night.

I still can't believe how it happened, it was just kind of fast.


I groan on the bottom of the floor having once again forgotten about my tail.

I begin to steam dry myself but I hear somebody fly through the door.

Just as Draco enters, I pop back to my original state, completely naked.

I try to cover myself but I end up bumping my head against the glass wall of the shower I had been previously standing in.

His gray eyes darken as he stares up and down my body, making me blush and feel embarrassed, but also making me want to show off more.

He kneels down next to me and places a series of kisses down my jawline, my collarbone, and finally at my chest.

"Draco!" I gasp, wrapping my legs around his hips.

"You won't be able to walk by the time I'm done with you," He growls in my ear.

I smile and rip his shirt off. "Want to bet?"


"So you win the bet, I guess," I sigh, shoving the last book into my bag. I wobble a bit and Draco tightens his grip on my waist slightly to hold me up.

After about half an hour of Draco gloating, but also claiming that it was the 'best he's ever had', we were ready to go.

I stumble down the stairs, most likely looking like an idiot with the way I walk.

Ginny eyes me, paying special attention to my awkward stumbling around. She leans over to whisper something to Harry, and he immediately makes a face between a grimace and a smirk.

Can't get anything past her, can I?

Harry then turns to Ron and Ginny turns to Astoria. Ron turns to Neville and Astoria to Pansy, and within 30 seconds, I'm pretty sure the entire dorm knew what happened.

"We're literally standing right here!" I huff, crossing my arms.

Ginny blushes. "Right well...congratulations?"

Harry sneezes, drawing attention off the subject. Ginny smacks him. "Don't sneeze all over me you pig!"

Harry's eyes go small with fear and he begins to shake. "Yes love!"

"Don't 'yes love' me!" Ginny roars, dragging him by the ear to their bedroom.

Theo and Blaise share a knowing look. "Hormones," They whisper.


They share another look. "RUN!"


Draco's POV:

The only thing I can feel is stares.

I guess word must have gotten out to the whole school by now, Draco Malfoy bedding Hermione Granger? Definitely the topic to get around by lunch time.

I quite enjoyed last night. Knowing that I was hers and she was mine makes me want to run around yelling that Hermione Granger is my wife, even if it was because of a stupid law.

To be able to take her and treat her how a woman should be treated was amazing. She didn't look like she had an ounce of regret and that only made me more proud of the events that happened last night.

Of course we didn't use contraception, it was too much of a 'in the moment' type of thing, but we wouldn't have been able to anyways, even with muggle gadgets, whatever they were called.

She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, inside and out. You will never hear me say this but thank goodness for the marriage law.

Even though we're supposed to be having children, I don't quite know if I'm ready for that.

I never had good examples until after the war, and even so, it was only by the skin of our teeth we weren't in Azkaban.

I certainly am not ready for a child, and I cannot stress that enough. What if I become a bad father? No child deserves that.

I both loved and hated the marriage law because of said reasons.

As we opened the doors to the Great Hall, I knew that I would receive stares, but the entire hall silenced as soon as I walked in.

Honestly I was expecting it, but it was getting tiring.

Very tiring.

"What are you looking at?" I snap, pulling Hermione close to me and glaring at all the onlookers.

Most of them look away, but as always, some don't listen. Of course, all the Hufflepuffs look away, but there are still a few other Sytherins, Gryffindors and Ravenclaws who continue to watch us as I and Hermione sit at our table.

"You two should put on a show," Theo jokes, miming kissing. Hermione turns beet red and buries her face in her arms, not daring to peep out. I, on the other hand, proudly smirk.

"Maybe we should," I pur, lifting her chin up so her lips lined up perfectly with mine. Her chocolate eyes shine beautifully in the light of the floating candles. Specks of gold are present and they're the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever lay my own silver orbs on.

I lift her chin and refrain myself from smirking as I feel some people's eyes wander back over to us.

She flutters her eyes closed as she leans in a tad, lifting her chin a bit more so I can perfectly encapture her lips.

Electricity sparks between us before our lips even meet, making me only more excited of what will happen when our lips actually begin to play games.

I make the last centimeter between us disappear, grinning as I hear gasps. I can feel Hermione smile too, and she whispers, "Draco."

As she opens her mouth, I slide my tongue in, tasting and exploring her mouth. I bite her tongue softly, taking pride in the fact that she too lets out a gasp.

A sharp hand on my shoulder yanks me back, pulling me away from the bliss that was Hermione.

"I was only kidding!" A mortified Theo exclaims.

Hermione and I show him our identical Malfoy smirks and I pipe up to voice my thoughts. "We weren't."

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