Soixante-et-Onze: La Poltergeist

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A/N: As you can tell...special guest...but also.... AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO'S UPSET ABOUT PEEVES NOT BEING IN THE MOVIES!

Hermione's POV:

Draco snores slightly on our library table, most likely tired from all the work I had put him through for our project.

It's only eleven, I don't see why he's so tired. I sigh and close the book I was reading and delicately place it into my bag.

I had wanted it to be authentic, so naturally, I had my parents send me some books.

He got me back my parents...

I shake my head, allowing my hair to cascade down my shoulders and smile at the sleeping blond next to me, who just so happened to be my...

Who just happened to be my husband...

My husband who wanted nothing to do with me, forcing me to keep a cool and uncaring facade. Why had he given up on me? Because I had given up on him? He already had given up on me before that.

Regardless, I smile at him, looking over every single one of his gorgeous features, a pastime I had gotten used to just months ago.

"Take a picture, it will last longer," Draco murmurs, yawning and rolling over. His hair falls carelessly over his eyes as I blush.

"Wake. Up." I poke him in the eye with one of my quills, a peacock quill that he had gotten me as a gift. As the tickling of the feather, he shoots up, snorting slightly as he does so.

"Whoa!" He exclaims, gripping the edges of the table. I wish I could help him, but I know that would only make him uncomfortable, and drive him even further away from me. I would never want that, I already hated how distant we were right now. Why worsen the situation?

"Sor-just get up!" I hiss as I quickly brush away my half spoken apology and turn back to my fake facade, the one Draco clearly wanted me to put up.

"S-yeah, whatever," Draco stutters. I assure myself that it's just because he's tired and not because I'm losing my mind, and swiftly levitate my belongings into the air, not wanting to be bothered by the sheer weight of it. (I had only brought like fifteen books, but they were rather thick.)

"Coming?" I ask him, facing the doors of the library.

Draco groggily yawns and rubs his steely grey eyes, blocking them from my sight. Even though he would never want me to say this (or at least, not right now), he had a silvery aura to him, an aura that pulls me in, but pushes me out at the same time. In it's own way, it's beautiful. It's absolutely stun-

"-so we can finish it tomorrow, correct?" Draco asks me, breaking away from my daydreaming. I blink twice before opening my mouth to respond.

"Yes," I say, hoping that he was talking about the project.

Draco nods curtly, not looking me in the eye. "Good," He says, picking up his bookbag. I look over to the pile of books next to me and sigh.

Perhaps I brought too many things. Or perhaps he didn't bring enough? Ah, yes that's it. He hasn't brought enough.

Alright, perhaps I do have a problem...

"Alright let's go before we get caught," Draco stifles a yawn but miserably fails, opening his mouth wide, causing me to wonder what else his mouth could do.

Eat food, Hermione, it can eat food.

I flip my hair over my shoulder and begin out the door, but I'm still distracted by thoughts about Draco. His personality, his looks, the way he laughs when he's truly amused, how dedicated he was to proving he had changed.

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