Chapitre 8-Time Tables

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Pansy's POV:

We were too late. 

Just as we had run to the Quidditch pitch, I saw that Ginny and Hermione had already gotten brooms and were zipping around in the air. For somebody who didn't like flying, Hermione was doing pretty well, actually. 

Potter looked up and cussed. "We're going to get our updated time tables today! They can't stay up there long!"

I snorted. "Depending on when they used the bath bomb, it'll wear off in about fifteen minutes. Let's wait a while and if it doesn't, then we'll panic." I walked over to the Slytherin bleachers and sat down. I cocked an eyebrow at Astoria who was looking up at our two sky high-literally-best friends. 

Luna and Lavender strolled over, dragging Astoria with them. Astoria sat to my right and Luna and Lavender both sat on the row below us but were facing us so we could all talk to each other. I looked down at the field and snorted again. The boys were working out. 

As soon as Lavender opened her mouth, I knew we were going to gossip or something.  " are we all feeling about the law? It hasn't really changed much so far, but we're getting new schedules so something must have happened." 

Astoria lowered her gaze from Hermione and Ginny to us. "I've liked Blaise for a while, but I'm not sure if he likes me because of the law and how he was raised, or if his feelings are true."

"I get what you mean," I admitted. When Ginny and Lavender looked at me, completely and utterly confused, I  explained, "They were raised to always treat women right. They've never treated us how they are now because this is how they were taught to care for their girlfriends or whatever. It's just a bit confusing, you know?"

Luna nodded sympathetically. "I sort of understand. I mean, I know that Neville's liked me for a while, but I never really considered him as "boyfriend material" until the law. He's always been there for me though, so I think I could love him."

Lavender's jaw dropped. "Ginny and Hermione so wish they were here right now!" We all giggled. I checked my watch. 

"Five more minutes guys," I noticed. "Five more minutes before we-"

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Granger's shriek was the most terrifying thing I had ever heard. She looked around and was constantly zipping everywhere. CRASH-Ginny flew into a stand.

Astoria groaned. "This is a mess! Can we panic now?"

I gulped. "Definitely." ________________________________________________________________________________

Ginny walked out of the stand she crashed into, perfectly fine. No bruises, not cuts, and a rather fuzzy memory of as to how and why she was on the broom. 

Theo walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. I smiled a bit. Theo was always the goofball in the group. He was always there to make me smile when I had a bad day, and he always listened to me if I ever got into a fight with Astoria. We had grown up together, so the possibility of becoming lovers was always there, but it was never really dwelled upon. We had such a good friendship, why ruin it?

"What do you reckon we do about Granger?" He asked, pointing up to Hermione who was still, somehow, on the broom. 

"She's a clever witch, maybe we should let her handle it?" I asked. Potter and Weasley nodded in agreement. "Ok, then I'll get us some drinks." I walked over to the locker rooms. There's a small chute that leads to the kitchens, so I went down. Once I entered the kitchen, the elf Sassy appeared. 

"Hello, Miss Parkinson! How can Sassy help you!?" The small elf bowed.

I smiled. "12 glasses of lemonade and 12 sandwiches, please?" Sassy snapped her fingers and a tray of food appeared.

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