77: Actually Hinny IS Real

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Ginny's POV:

Today is the day I finally get to marry the love of my life, Harry James Potter, The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, as I said the love of my life.

If today was not perfect, I would use a time turner to make sure it was.

Mark. My. Words.

If somebody had to come and mess up my wedding I would most certainly kill them and marry Harry with blood stains on my dress. (Sorry, Narcissa, but they tried to ruin my wedding!)

Thank goodness Hermione was here, actually, because she could kill people for me, as my maid of honor! That way, I would have no blood on my hands.

Thank goodness. I didn't want to be bloody Bloody Mary on my wedding day!

Wao, time has passed too quickly.

I swear it was the blink of an eye and then poomf!

I'm going to get married!

Draco and Hermione are being so odd today and I don't know why. I suppose Draco is being weird because he's Harry's best man, which was pretty unexpected. We all for sure thought he would choose Ron, but that didn't happen, did it?

I wish I was at Hogwarts right now.

Wait, I am!

Gosh my thoughts are so jumbled. Is getting married normally like this?

Hermione is-

"GINNY!" Hermione bursts through the doors and into the small room that serves as my bridal room.

Right here!

"'Mione!" I yip in glee and try to run to her, but my mother holds me down before I can ruin whatever she's doing.

"Sit down, Ginny!" Mother scolds, pushing me deeper into the chair.

I sigh and mutter, "Yes mother," before motioning for Hermione to come into views.

"So Ginny I-" Hermioine starts to stutter.

"Yes?" I ask, concern laced in my voice for my best friend.

"We-well you know how you wanted ev-everybody to come?" Hermione asks, turning a little red for reasons so clearly unbeknownst to me.

"Yes..." I trail off waiting for her to continue.

"Romilda and Cromac are coming too!" She blurts.

"So long as the only hundred people invited to the reception are the only ones at the reception, whatever." I groan.

"Ginny, darling, isn't Romilda that girl-" My mother twists my hair up into an elegant bun but I cut her off.

"Who tried to give Harry a love potion, yes, but trust me, she can't ruin my wedding day." I smirk at Hermione's discomfort about the situation. "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

If somebody tried to say that Harry did not give me the wedding of my dreams, they would be so utterly wrong.

Everything was luxurious and pristine, shimmering with gold and I was only standing behind the doors to enter the wedding hall!

For the first time in my life, I felt like a true princess.

Growing up in a poor family meant I couldn't have many pretty things, especially as the only girl. Why buy a fancy dress if it was only going to be used once by a single child? There really was no point in wasting the money.

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