7: Cheery Cherry

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Hermione's POV:

I woke up the next morning, still in my dress and makeup. I felt an arm around my waist and snuggled deeper into the person next to me. I inhaled their scent, a strong, muscular cologne. 

Wait. The person...next to me? Cologne? I opened my eyes and screamed.

"MALFOY, WHAT THE HECK!" I jumped off the bed and onto the floor. I put my arms over my, rather exposed, chest, and shrieked. 

He sat up. "GRANGER! CALM DOWN!" 

I started panicking. Why was he in bed with me! He shouldn't have been! He should have slept on the couch or, "GINNNNYYYYY!!!!" I screeched. Ginny came bursting through not a moment later, looking very concerned. 

Her hair was a mess, and she too was still in her dress. Her lipstick was a bit smudged, but she asked, "WHAT'S WRONG?" She looked at me, on the floor, then at Malfoy who was calmly sitting in the bed. "Oh...OH...OH! HARRY!" 

"YES, LOVE?" Harry's voice called from across the hall. 

"GET OVER HERE!" Ginny screeched. She then doubled over in laughter at how horrified I must have looked. "C'mon, 'Mione! Let's get ready!" Ginny walked into my walk-in closet as Harry burst through the door.

"What's wrong, love?" He swiveled his head and saw me on the floor, his wife in my closet, and Malfoy on the bed. "Morning, Draco," He said. Ginny and I stiffened. Did he just call, Malfoy, Draco? When did that happen? I wondered to myself. How odd. 

"Oooo-kay! 'Mione let's get ready...shall we?" Ginny tossed a set of clothes into my arms. I noticed she had given me a bikini too. Understanding what she wanted to do, I nodded and let her pull me into the bathroom. "Silencio! Colloportus." She waved her wand at the door then looked at me. "Ok. Spill." She stepped into the bathtub and turned on the tap. 

"Well," I said, peeling off my dress. (What, this is normal! Ginny and I bathe together all the time! Besides, we'd have bathing suits on!) "I mean last night Malfoy carried me into bed." I walked over to my vanity and grabbed a couple of bath bombs and rose petals. "Oh, Ginny! Are "Cheery Cherry" bath bombs okay?" I peered over my shoulder and saw that she nodded. Stepping into the large tub, I joined Ginny and placed the bath bombs and rose petals in. "Anyways I fell asleep but when I woke up, he was holding me!" I spluttered. "That! That prat! How dare he-"

Ginny giggled. "It's kind of cute!" I glared at her, but she continued, "I mean, the whole "Enemies to Lovers" thing has always been really cute." She played with some of the bubbles. "Who knows, maybe you'll really like him!" 

I snorted. "Me? Muggle-born Hermione Jean Granger, love the bouncing ferret, Draco Malfoy?" I splashed her with water. "Not a chance."

She looked at me, studying my face. "I have a bet going on with the other girls-" I gasped but let her continue. "-that by the end of the year, you two will loooooove each other!" She made a kissing-fish face and made a heart with her hands. Despite the awkward topic, I laughed.

"Sure...OH! Today's our first official day of classes," I nodded. We hadn't really done anything for the first week with all that had been going on. "We're getting our time tables!" I squealed with joy. I loved the classes! I was going to take every single one! 

"Don't forget, 'Mione," Ginny cackled. "You're doing divination this year!" I frowned. I had forgotten about that! She smiled a bit. "Don't worry, I think everybody here is too!" 

I sighed, thankful that I wouldn't be alone. "I think McGonagall is having us go to every class with our spouse."

Ginny beamed. "Yes! All-day, every day, with Harry!" 

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