41: In Which we Argue...

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Hermione's POV:

***Time skip, fifth and sixth year shopping weekend***

'I just feel like...somebody's...watching me.' I write in my diary. 'I always feel somebody's eyes on my back, it's the feeling I had while I was on the run with Harry and Ron. It's concerning me, nobody else is feeling that way. I can't help but feel like-'

Draco walks through the door and interrupts my writing. I jump and slam the book shut, not wanting somebody to be able to read it.

"Hey!" I say casually.

"Hey," He replies. Draco looks at me as if I were doing something suspicious, which I was, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was being...stalked.

"So," He shakes his head, his hair falling into place to frome his face. "We're going to Diagon next week."

I gulp. "Ye-up! Yes we are!"

He squints at me. "Are you...hiding something?"

I giggle, thought to me, it sounds forced. "I was just studying! You disturbed me." I fake glare at him and he laughs.

"Alright, sorry!" He plops down on the bed and starts to read. "So I've been thinking about the wedding."

I jolt back in my chair. "Wh-what?" I gasp.

"I think we need to make it extremely grand. What venue would you like, actually?" He asked, flipping the page of his book.

I glare at him, but this time, it isn't fake. "Are you messing with me or-"

"Look, we're getting married, I can think about the wedding okay?" He snaps. He slams his book shut. "What venue do you want?"

"I. Don't. Care." I hiss through my teeth. I grab my coat. "I'm going for a walk."

I slam the door to our bedroom shut and storm through the common room, not listening to the calls of ''Mione! Are you okay?" from my friends.

I storm out but immediately stop. Once again, I feel somebody's eyes on my back.

I take a cautious step forward, and I hear a slight 'clack', of a shoe stepping on the cold, stone floors.

I turn around and see nothing, just as always.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

I turn back around, but I don't see anything...much less anyone. Feeling slightly panicked, I pull out my wand and point it ahead of me.

Too freaked out, I head back to my common room.

Ginny's POV:

After Hermione angrily stomped out, (I swear there was steam coming out of her ears and fire coming from her glare) she came back about ten minutes later looking like she saw a ghost, which of course she could have, but she should have been used to that by now.

"Are you..okay?" I ask her. She stiffly shakes her head no.

"What happened?" Harry asks her.

She slowly turns to look at him. "I'm going insane." She murmurs.

I pat the spot between Harry and I and she slowly sits down, she sits down as if there were a ticking bomb on the seat, just waiting for her to sit on it to blow the entire common room up.

"I feel like I'm being watched." She finally spits out.

I furrow my brow. "Are you sure?"

She shakes her head. "I just feel somebody's eyes on me all the time..." She zips around to look behind her, but there's nobody there, so she looks back at me.

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