Part Fifty-Seven: Confirmation

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Unknown's POV:

I silently curse to myself.

She's seen me! Blasted plant! I have to get that snare away from her somehow...

I hiss and crawl away from the greenhouses. I brush the dirt off my knees, and continue about, making it look as if I were going to the bathroom, and not stalking Hermione Granger.

I see her staring at Draco Malfoy with what looks like love in her eyes, disgusting!

She deserved so much more than a filthy death eater, and I was going to give it to her.

I head into the bathroom where Moaning Myrtle floats around and haunts others, she wouldn't bother me. I was '!'

I pull open my school bag and smile into the mirror like a maniac, though of course, I'm not actually a maniac.

I place my things on the floor and settle down. I carefully set my things up, making sure to leave no trace of who I am by accident.

"Oh, but I am having so much fun right now."

Draco's POV:

Something. Was definitely. Up.

Why else would Hermione Granger shy away from her friends, and her husband mind you, just to go and hiss around with a plant?

"It's name is Diabolus!" Hermione snaps at me.

I take a step backwards. "Sorry, you're just spending a lot of time with Diabolus, and not us."

Hermione giggles lightly and shrugs. "Plants are better than people."

Diabolus wraps around my ankles and starts to crawl up my leg. "Hello there, Diabolus," I greet it. Diabolus just wraps me in it's vines even more, slowly heading up to my waist. I gulp a bit, becoming a little concerned as it continues to grow higher.

Hermione just stares into my eyes as this happens, and I stare right into hers. Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes hold not only one dazzling colour, but many. They blended together to create a mystical, and unique colour.

"Draco," She purrs. Diabolus pulls me closer to Hermione, wrapping it's vines around my hips and pulling me down towards her.

As embarrassing as it is, I feel myself becoming drawn towards her, and not just by the plant.

I reach out behind her ear to pull at her hair.

"We have a life class now," She continues, ordering Diabolus to retreat. Diabolus retreats, and I instantly am disheartened.

Why did I want to kiss her? I ask myself, suddenly questioning myself and my feelings for her. Do I like romantically?

Well obviously, Draco.

I huff and run my fingers through my perfect hair. I grab my bag and job over to the castle, joining my friends.

"Today we'll just have Life class, then lunch, double potions, transfiguration and that's it, right?" Ginny asks, forgetting about DADA.

"We have DADA after transfiguration," I inform her.

She huffs and taps at her head. "Right, baby brain...sorry." Harry comes up behind her and smiles, rubbing a hand over her small baby bump.

I wish that was Hermione and I, sometimes. Being able to love each other peacefully without having to have little spats over everything, without having to walk on cracked glass all the time.

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