Part 23: Wedding Plans

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Hermione's POV:

We finally get back to the castle and stash our dresses in my room, since it has three more closets than the other rooms (Narcissa smirks at this, "Fit for a Malfoy!") and I charmed it so the guys couldn't see, especially Draco ("I want to know if you took my suggestions!" He winks. I mime barfing. "Yuck.")

 "Alright, girls! Come down!" Narcissa calls. My friends and I giggle and run out of the room. 

"Alright, first we'll discuss dates, then who's going to be what in everyone's wedding, color schemes, then lastly making appointments for everything. Alright, let's begin!" Narcissa pulls out six large binders from her purse. "I've made everybody a wedding planning binder!" She proudly hands them out and Draco leans close to me.

"She looks like a five-year-old showing off her arts and crafts." He whispers in my ear.

I elbow him. "Alright, so my wedding will be on New Year's Eve." 

Narcissa nods approvingly. "Alright, Draco...what is that face for?"

Everybody turns towards Draco who's pouting. "But...what if I want to wed on Christmas!?"

Ginny snorted. "Like you'd actually want to." 

Draco makes an exasperated face before agreeing. "Alright, New Year's Eve!" He throws his hands up in the air. "Do I get a say in anything!"

"No," All the girls/women chorus. 

"Alright, Harry and I are getting married on May 2nd, the Battle of Hogwarts." Ginny leans into Harry who puts his arm around her. 

Mrs. Weasley agrees with their decision, writing it down. 

"Theo and I were thinking about Halloween?" Pansy sort of asks. "Halloween is pretty sentimental for us, but it's coming up fast so..." She trails off.

"We understand if it's too early." Theo finishes. 

Mrs. Parkinson waves him off. "Of course not! We'll make appointments for you to do all of your wedding duties as soon as we can." Mrs. Parkinson immediately flips to a section in the binder with possible places to go. 

"Lavender and I agreed to get married on July 5th." Ron pipes up. 

"Neville and I decided on July 8th." Luna singsongs. "But we can change the date if it's too close to your wedding, Lavender." 

Lavender quickly shakes her head. "We'll have plenty of time!"

"Alright then...that leaves Blaise and Astoria. What were you two thinking for a date?" Narcissa asks, looking up from her binder. 

Astoria glared at Blaise who glared back. "April 10th, 15th, or 18th!" Astoria insisted.

"June 10th!" Blaise argued back.

Astoria huffed. "If we do June 10th I get to choose the colours!" 

Blaise snorted. "I don't care about the colours-"

"Everything rainbow!" Astoria retorted.

"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" Theo yelled. 

"What's so hard about choosing a date!?" Draco asked.

"June 10th is too close to your birthday!" Astoria insisted.

"April has bad weather!" Blaise argued back. 

"Hogwarts has wards that control the weather, Blaise." Narcissa reminded him. 

Blaise looked at Astoria. "Do you really not want June 10th?" Astoria nodded slowly. Blaise sighed. "Alright, we'll do something in April. The 10th?"

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