Seventeen-Surprise Surprise!

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Hermione's POV:

I stared open-mouthed at Madame Hooch. First, we had to have fake kids, and we have to go on a date!? For three whole hours!?

"What!" I stood up, knocking the inkwell off the table. The ink oozed from the small pot and ran around the textured tiles like blood. "This is preposterous! You can't force me to go on a date with him!" I pointed to Malfoy who immediately pulled me down.

"What happened to our freedom?! This stupid law isn't enough!?" Romilda Vane agreed, glaring pointedly at Cormac McLaggen. "I don't want a kid with him!"

At that, many others mumbled in agreement.

"SILENCE!" Madame Hooch boomed. "You will go on these dates, whether you like it or not! Class dismissed!"

I angrily shoved everything in my bag. My shoes squeaked as I haughtily turned on my heel. I muttered, "Scourgify", and instantly, the ink was cleaned. I dashed out of the classroom and rushed to my favourite place. Most people think it's the library, but it's actually a small bench with a hidden room on the bottom of the West Tower.

I ducked into the small alcove and sighed. How dare they tell me I have to go on a date, and make me care for a fake kid! This was horrible!

I heard voices down the hall. "She's probably in the library!" Blaise called.

"Too simple," Harry retorted. "If she ran out like that, she'd have known that the library would be too obvious. She's somewhere else."

The voices got closer now. I did a silent disillusionment charm and instantly blended in with my surroundings. I held my breath, but my heart pounded so loudly that I feared they would hear it.

"She's hidden somewhere." Ginny murmured. "Somewhere unexpected but not totally bizarre."

The voices start to fade away and I let out a breath of relief. The footsteps stopped.

"Did you hear that?" Theo asked. I stopped breathing again. Had they heard me?

"It's just your stomach, fatass!" Pansy said. I silently thanked whoever was watching me for the fact that they didn't hear.

"Hey! I'm not..." I couldn't hear Theo's voice anymore.

I stepped out of the room, disillusionment charm still on, and crept the other way. I walked briskly back to my dorm.

I opened the large doors on the room titled, 'THE MALFOYS'. I stepped back for a second. I took my wand and carved a large 'X' over 'MALFOYS'. I smirked at my work, but the plaque instantly undid what I had done. I huffed. "Bloody thing!" I placed my bag on my side of the bed and collapsed on it. I could smell his cologne.

I breathed in the scent before deciding to take a bath. I magically locked the doors to the room and the bathroom before turning the tap on. I went to go get a bath bomb and stayed away from the 'Cheery Cherry' ones. Instead, I grabbed a nice blue one. I sprinkled some pink bath salts and bubble bath into the tub and watched as the water filled up.

I turned off the tap and slid in. The water was scorching hot and burned my skin, but I found that I often thought better when the water was super hot.

I heard a door banging open and eleven panicked voices enter the common room. I didn't call out to say I was okay, no, I wanted, not even, I need to be alone right now.

A couple sets of footsteps walked up the stairs and into the hall of bedrooms. I heard Malfoy grunt as he tried to open the door, but couldn't. I smirked to myself, evilly. He didn't even try 'Alohomora'!

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