Chapter Five: Bonding

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Hermione's POV

We were having a lot of fun. We kicked out Malfoy and demanded that he got us stuff from the kitchens. He came back about fifteen minutes later with three baskets. One had drinks, napkins, and utensils, and the other two were filled to the brim with food! 

"I told you he could be nice!" Pansy giggled.

"Maybe he's not as rotten as I thought," I agreed.

We played games for hours and did each other's hair. 

"I dare you to go out and rip off Harry's shirt!" Lavender dared Ginny. 

Ginny smirked evilly. "Gladly." She finished one of Luna's French braids, then ran out of the room, and we heard a scream a couple of seconds later. She burst back into the room and flopped on the bed. "Done!" She bit into a scone as Ron yelled, "Ginny, was that REALLY necessary?!" We all laughed. 

It was well past midnight when I had decided that I really loved these girls. They were super crazy, but also super loving. Pansy and Astoria may have been Slytherins, but they were kind and loyal, just like a Gryffindor. I cleared my throat. "Gossip?" I asked.

Lavender looked stunned for a moment, then broke into a smile. "Yes!" 

"I heard that Dean and Seamus both agreed to produce heirs with Chloe and Raquelle!" Astoria squealed.

I laughed. "No, they told me that all four sets of parents set it up." 

Luna grimaced. "Oh poor them, that must have been quite the conversation!"

"Well," Pansy piped up. "I heard...Draco and Blaise talking about you, Hermione."

I was shocked, Malfoy, talking about me? Why?

"When?" I gasped. 

"Before we were brought to your friends by Luna." Astoria nodded at Pansy's words. "He was talking about how this might have been good."

I frowned, I had run away, but Malfoy was talking about how something good might come of this law? "Great, now I feel horrible!" I lay down on the floor. "This is all messed up!"

"Well," Astoria smirked evilly at the other girls. "I think we should give you a makeover...and pull a small-"

"-prank." Pansy finished, wearing an identical smirk. "Pulling their fun!"

Ginny caught on, "Oh, I like what you're thinking."

"Mind if I look at what you have, 'Mione?" Lavender asked, already looking at my clothes. 

"Sure....?" I was confused. What were they planning? 

"I did not think," I said, looking at myself in the mirror, "...that this meant..." 

We were all wearing super sexy-unsurprisingly-matching outfits. We all had a dress than went to our mid-thighs. It was a deep V-neck and showed off a lot of cleavage. Astoria had a sparkly navy blue, Luna had a bright orange, Lavender had a lavender dress, Ginny's was maroon, Pansy's was green, and mine was silver. We all had black pumps, a Gucci purse(For some reason there were like a dozen Gucci purses in my closet!), and dark red lips. 

"Now, what's the plan again, girls?!" Lavender asked. 

"We go downstairs and pretend to be going clubbing!" Ginny responded.

"Then we just go to places around the grounds and take cute wizarding pictures and do whatever the heck we want!" Pansy added.

"We come back and pretend to be half-drunk!" Luna finished. 

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