33: Pregnancy Checks

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Warning: A bit mature content. I'll put ***** at the start and end.

Ginny's POV:

"YEEE HAW!" My fiance yells, waking me up.

Groggily, I sit up and I slap him on the leg as he passes by, cackling as he falls to the floor.

"Darn woman! What was that for!?" He whines, rubbing his thigh.

I roll my eyes at his extremely childish behavior, I thought he was 'The Chosen One'! He was more like 'The Extremely Childish One'! "For waking me up in such a horrendous way!" I snap.

I compose myself and walk out of the bed. I was only wearing underwear, shorts, and a loose t-shirt, and I felt Harry's eyes on my back. "Don't be a hormonal teenager."

Harry laughs. "Of course not, love." He gets up and sneaks behind me as I pick out a lacy nude bra and white sweater. "Can't believe 'Mione, our sweet, innocent bookworm, is marrying the great, bouncing, white ferret."

I giggle and pull out a pair of shorts. "Marriage laws can be messy!"

Harry sighs and dramatically falls to the floor. "Marriage. Ugh." I turn around and glare at him warningly, but he doesn't notice. "I can't wait really, but I can't tell the difference between light lilac 1 and light lilac 2!"

I laugh. "That's because us girls have two X-chromosomes!"

I walk into the bathroom and feel slightly ripped off.

Hermione and Draco had the largest room! I mean, of course, Harry and I have the second largest and our whole dorm room had rather exquisite rooms, I still didn't think it was fair. I would use an extra two vanities more than she would!

Hermione, knowing this, always allowed us to store our things in her room. She was nice, and Draco really didn't care.

I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, put on a little makeup and perfume, and walked down to the Great Hall with Harry. I bounce nervously, the mail should have been here now!

"All students except those affected by the marriage law, please go to your classes." McGonagall drawls.

I groan. Not another thing!

As the students shuffle out, I see Hermione's mind whirling. She looks like she's thinking about something-

"She's going to say something that has to do with the mail." Hermione concludes. I look up from my plate of pancakes, eggs, sausages, and grapes to look at her. "There's something in the mail she doesn't want us to see..."

I snort. "Yes. She doesn't want us to see Witch Weekly!"

Lavender laughs. "Hermione, I think you're overthinking."

She bit her lip. "I hope you're right."

"Students," McGonagall calls. "There is something we wish to tell you."

Hermione shoots us a look and leans into Draco. He looks extremely shocked, and we all giggle at his face. Hermione, realizing what she had done, flails around and falls out of her seat.

"There has been something...horrible." McGongagall continues. "The Wizengamot has decided that no contraceptive charm shall work from here on out, and no muggle contraception shall be permitted. You will be searched with a charm upon entering the school. That is all." She waved her hand and owls came flooding in.

One owl dropped a copy of The Prophet in front of me.


Recently, the Wizengamot has decided to eliminate the contraceptive charm to help with the process of pregnancy. Though those affected by the law have been given three years to become pregnant, or impregnify their partner, the Ministry has decided a little push is needed.

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