43: A Devil's Potion Brewing

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Hermione's POV:

After a long night of wonderful sleep, a pair of strong arms were wrapped around my waist, and I snuggled closer to the person whose body they belonged to. I inhaled a tangy, masculine scent. I'm not quite sure what it was...but I think I smelled...spearmint toothpaste?

"Mmm," A deep voice growled huskily. I shivered quickly, this voice...it sounded so...familiar.

I forced myself to wrench my eyes open, and a small smile appeared on my face as I looked at the handsome blond sleeping next to me.



Well Draco Malfoy was certainly attractive, one of the school's hottest bachelors, if not the hottest bachelor in school.

We'd make beautiful babies, I think to myself randomly. The completely out of the blue thought echoed in my mind, and apparently took over my body. I stirred a bit, nudging at my future husband, not by choice, but by law.

"Morning," He growled. Even though he growled it, he wasn't mad. He was just sleepy, and for some odd reason, that made me feel...happy?

"Morning, sleeping beauty," I giggle. I reluctantly untangle myself from Draco and hop out of the bed to start my day.

I grab a nice set of white leggings and think about Draco and I's relationship.

Ever since I had suggested we sleep in the same bed, the occasional nightmares that I would get, stopped. His nightmares had stopped too, and we both slept wonderfully in each other's arms. This led to me thinking that maybe the marriage law was right, but I quickly dismissed the thought.

I discreetly take a small vial of the potion and slip it in the pocket of a black hoodie.

Draco rolls off the bed, taking the covers with him.

"Draco," I scold. "This is no time for your shenanigans! We have class to get to! We can't be late!"

Draco slowly opens his eyes again and grins up at me lazily. "Mmmmm...no." He covers himself with blankets once more and I huff.

I pick up his school bag and hold it with both my hands, positioning it to smack him in the back.

"3..." I start counting down. He buries himself further into the blankety mess.

"2..." I continue, this time, getting a bit harsher with the way I say it. Draco snorts, or at least I think he snorts (it was a very unmanly sound) and sticks up a middle finger at me.

With all my might, I bring his school bag down upon his bag. There's a sickening Crunch, though I have no idea where it came from.

"My back!" He complains.

His back. The crack was from his back.


I giggle a bit. "Sorry!"

He fake pouts and rolls closer to me. "Kiss to make it better?" He puckers his lips and props himself up on his elbows.

I snort and push my pointer finger to his nose, sending him back onto the floor.

"Hey!" He stands up, finally, and starts to get ready.

I stand by the doorway and watch as he pulls on a t-shirt that has a cartoon snake on it.

"Like what you see?" He asks smugly.

I huff. "Definitely not." With that, I walk out the door.

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