Part Fifty-Six: Meet Diabolus

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Hermione's POV:

I flip the note over, but I find no signature.

"What?" Draco asks. " They said that they 'have a bone to pick with you', what could that possibly mean?"

"That they have a bone to pick with her," Luna snorts. "It's quite obvious, isn't it?"

Neville pats her hand. "I think he's asking exactly what bone they have to pick with her and why"

Luna simply shrugs, though I don't find the situation amusing. "Guys, I'm getting a little worried," I snap.

"I know, I know," Ron pats my back. "Don't worry, we'll get through it. Just like how we always do."

I find myself having to bite back from saying, 'We always did when it was just the three of us, you daft dimbo!'

"Yes, but now there are more people at risk!" I exclaim, suddenly feeling a bit worried about all my friends, especially Ginny, Lavender and Pansy, who were currently carrying babies.

Theo just snorts, as if this were some sort of everyday conversation. "Right, but we can handle it."

Ginny huffs. "Yes of course you can, but mind you, some of us here have more than ourselves to worry about!" She points to her stomach.

Harry frowns. "I think you girls should stay out of this then," Harry nods to all the girls except me. "We'll help her."

"Or," I suggest. "I could it myself."

Draco vigorously shakes his head, nodding it from side to side, letting his blonde locks perfectly frame his face. "Too risky, I won't let you do that."

Instantly, my insides burn with anger. The anger courses through my veins, is goes through my brain, fueling me to say something snappy. How dare he think I can't handle myself! "Excuse me!" I growl.

He looks taken aback. "Whoa, sorry, I just meant that-"

"OH sure!" I snap at him. "You think that just because I'm a girl I can't handle myself!"

He freezes, not saying anything. "Silence," I hiss. "Speaks volumes."

I stand up and put my wand at his throat, pressing it into his wind pipe, blocking out his air (sort of like how I did in my third year! This memory makes me happy, slapping him in the face was satisfying, afterall, he is a right git!).

Onlookers gasp, and some of the Professors take notice.

"Hermione?" Danielle calls from the Professor's table. "Is everything alright?"

I slowly lower my wand, still glaring at Draco with hatred in my eyes. He gulps, and I reply, "Fine."

Draco's POV:

"Fine." Hermione drawls, slowly lowering her wand from my throat. I am brought back to our third year, and flinch a bit, as if she would punch me again.

Professor Huckielle stares at Hermione, a bit concerned. "Are you sure?"

Hermione presses her wand into my chest, causing me to gasp with pain at the sudden sharp prick of her wand (which, sadly, had been whittled to have a bit of a pointy tip, though I wasn't sure why).

"Positive!" She chirps, happily removing her wand from my chest. "Just a little spat is all," She explains, leaving out almost every detail.

I nervously gulp. "Yeah, everything is fine."

"Well then, I believe you all have herbology now?" Professor McGonagall looks over Hermione disappointedly. "I expected so much more from you, Miss Granger. I'm very disappointed"

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