the start

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yelled a ghost verstion of a 15 year old boy as he was looking at a large, LARGE ball of holly light in front of him

(y/n): i died and my option is to either go to heaven or work for you as a Multiversal crusader?

GOD: yes. so what is your anwser?



(y/n): DEUS VULT?

---time skip becouse everyone knows what option you picked---

(y/n): man this is bullshit...

he grumpled to himself as he was sitting in a restaurant that he was transported into when he accepted the job that God gave him.

all the information about his job was in his head. he had a system similar to the gamer system exept the cool parts like "Gamers mind" and "Gamers body", he only could level up...OH! there is the "Multivers shop" but he needs real money, or something that is worth a lot, like Gold or Jewlery to pay for anything in it!

he could buy any weapon in the multiverse and any ability in the multiverse!!! which would be amazing if not for the fact that all of them are literaly worth F*CKING MILIONS!!!


he was transported into a Restaurant where he was suposed to work and gain money for his first powers and equipment....well the only good side is that the kitchen had robots that will cook for him. all he needs to do is to be the waiter and colect money...wait, there is another good part about this restaurant, all the ingredients will be teleported to this place magicaly and they will never end, so thats good too. and finnaly when he is inside this building he is untouchable! he is like a god when in this restaurant, so he will not worry about any thugs or criminals trying to rob the place

the info about the job that was now in his head also said that he is semi-immortal. he will not age but can be killed...there was also some info explaining that his mind in enchanced and his brain will no longer have any limits when it comes to memory, becouse aparently 98 year of memory is all it takes for the brain to shut down.

he also got some fighting stances and moves in his memories but those are only on a Novice level...

(y/n): okay i got to be smart about this...

he had nothing! literaly nothing!! and when he checked the multiverse shop he needed at least 500$ for a ability that will gave him some kind of chance to survive.

(y/n): what about fallout?

oh right, i forgot to tell you that if he pays 100$ he can travel to another universe for an hour. he is also transported to another world by god if there is a mission that he can do.

(y/n): their curency is caps right? maybe i can just colect caps here and then teleport myself to falout and buy some good gun's there?

okay...this was a smart idea, a bottle of soda is cheep and literally in almost every store! it was a good plan!

(y/n): now that was a "Big Brain moment"!

he smiled to himself and stood up. time to create a menu and do some job to get his bussines started, get customers, and get MONEY!!!!

---time skip brought you by Chibi (y/n) dancing to the sound of his enemies crying---

at the end he setled for restaurant that has a mix of diferent dishs from diferent countries all across the world!...well...his world...when he went outside he quicly noticed that this is not his did he know? well how about the fact that he was looking at beacon academy from the show RWBY!?!

(y/n): i can already feel the headache...

he had plans to learn magic, but if anybody from Ozpin or Salem circle will discover this...ughh...

(y/n): i'm done!

for today, he wanted nothing more then go to sleep this is simply to much for him to think about right now.

when he got back to his restaurant he saw 8 kids standing there...RWBY, and this point (y/n) was starting to think if he was hated by the universe...he wanted to make contact with the teens but not so soon when he was still frail and weak!

(y/n): umm...can i help you with something? we are not open yet.

he said as he aproached the teens, who turned around and looked at him

Jaune: you work here?

(y/n): i own this place

all of them were now in a stunned silence...they looked at (y/n) and couldnt quite believe what he said. someone so young owned a restaurant??

Jaune: wait, really? but your so-

Weiss: young! to young! you must at least be 18 years old to start a business!

well it was true but this side-job was given to him by god to get money and pay for his first abilities, so he didnt have any choice. but this wont be a problem becouse the info that was put into his head said that even if reported to someone, no one will see this as against the law and instead they will think of this as normal

(y/n): yea, but i dont care. you can report me if you want, anyway as i said, we are not open yet so come back some time later.

Jaune: oh..sure when are you opening?

(y/n): well i will give free samples of some of my food tomorrow and hang some posters saying that im open...idk 48 hours?

Ruby: will you sell cookies?

Nora: will you sell pancakes?

Yang: will there be alcohol?

(y/n): maybe, maybe and yes but you need to be 18+

he said as Yang let out a grunt, she cursed in her mind and crosed her arms. she was 17! she was so close to be able to purchase and drink alchohol! it was so...frustrating!

Ruby: alright! new mission for team RWBY! come here in 2 days and get something to eat!!

Jaune: i propose the same. what do you think guys?

he asked his team

Nora: pancakes!

Ren: sure


after the teens said their goodbye to (y/n) he entered the restaurant and closed the door to it. after that he walked upstairs where he will be living from now on. a bed, a wardrobe, a desk with a nice gaming laptop on it and a window, there was also a door that lead to the bath room and another one to the toilet.

so the toilet and bathroom were separated...good he didnt want to clean himself in the same room that he usess to take a sh*t

with a sigh he jumped on his bed and slowly fell asleep

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