5. Eating and Sleeping

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"It's not possible for me to hate to in anyway, no matter what lives we might have lived. I would've still loved you, even if you were the loner girl in high school. I was the loner guy, so it would've fit." He said moving to stand behind me; he wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his hands on top of mine. I turned my head so I was facing up at him I stretched myself up and kissed his lips.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No Love thank you." He said catching my lips with his again.

Chapter Five

When it became dark, Edward led me to his car.

"Come on let's go get some dinner." He said shutting the door behind me.

"Cool." I said smiling, the baby liked food a lot. Apparently.

Edward pulled up outside a small Italian restaurant. "I hope you don't mind Italian." He said. I shook my head and he jumped out of the car, he walked around to my side and helped me. I took his extended hand as he led me into the restaurant.

He walked up to the hostess, whose boobs were totally fake and asked for someone named James. A moment later a man with short blonde hair came out from the kitchen.

"Edward, Dude. Please tell me this is not an owner's inspection I'm short staffed." The man whom I assumed to be James said. Wait did he say owner?

"Nah, I only do that on like Valentine's Day when I've got nothing better to be doing." Edward laughed.

"So what are you doing here?"

"You do know people come here to eat, Bella and I were in the park so we decided to come get some food."

"Bella?" James asked quirking his eyebrow. What was the about? Wait no, one unanswered question at a time.

"Yes James this is my girlfriend Bella. Bella this is one of my best friends James." Edward said gesturing between the two of us.

"Well it's nice to fi..." he was about to continue when Edward kicked his calf "I mean it's nice to meet you Bella." James said scowling at Edward.

"You too James." I said my face obviously showed my amusement at the two of them, as they both blushed.

"Let me get you two a table." James said taking two menu's off the hostess's stand and began walking towards the back of the restaurant. He sat us next to a large window and placed the menus on the table, Edward held my chair out. Once we were both seated James turned to Edward.

"How was your birthday Dude? Get anything good this year?" James asked smirking.

"Yeah, now scat James, I just heard a crash from the kitchen." Edward said. I shook my head.

"Fine." James huffed before waving and leaving.

"I still can't believe I got you pee on a stick for your birthday." I said shaking my head laughing. Edward chuckled too.

"Yeah, I'd liked to see how you could top that next year." Edward said leaning over and kissing me.

"Well you also got birthday sex, so I think you did quite well." I said laughing, before looking down at my menu. I decided to get the mushroom ravioli. I shut the menu over and saw the name of the restaurant on the cover. 'Bella Italia'

"What did James mean when he said owner inspection?" I asked curiously.

"Um I bought this place a couple of months ago." He said placing the menu in his hand on the table.

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