7. Father, The Farther Away The Better

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Chapter Seven

Two hours later and a very large I told you so pointed towards me, I left the hospital with my foot securely in a cast. Emmett came to the hospital Joey on his shoulders.

"Carlisle how are you?" Emmett said holding his hand out.

"I'm quite good Emmett, whose this little guy?" Carlisle said waving up at Joey before shaking Emmett's hand.

"This is Joey, you remember Rosalie Hale right?" Emmett said swinging Joey off his shoulders.

"Jonathon's daughter? Yes I remember her lovely girl. She's your wife?"

"That she is." Emmett said "Joey this is Carlisle, he's Edward's daddy." Emmett said pointing to Edward. Joey nodded.

"What happen to Aunty Bella's leg?" Joey asked pointing to my legs.

"I decided to use my foot to turn on the computer." I said using my crutches to pull myself up off the chair I had been sitting on.

"Aunty Bella all you have to do is press the button." Joey said rolling his eyes. The others laughed while I pouted.

"Where were you a couple of hours ago?"

"Eating pancakes." Joey muttered before climbing back on to Emmett's back.

"Esme said your all going to come over to lunch tomorrow I think it should be a pleasurable afternoon, I'll see you all tomorrow. Bella keep the foot elevated and take these, nothing in them can harm the baby."

"Thank you Carlisle. We'll see you tomorrow." I said. Emmett waved at Carlisle before putting Joey back on his shoulders. Edward grabbed my coat and my phone and followed out the door.

"So I better get home and tell Rosy what's going, do you want me to pick you up tomorrow or is Edward going to bring you?" Emmett asked after he had put Joey in the car.

"Um..." I began looking back at Edward.

"I'll bring her over Emmett; do you want directions now or tomorrow?" Edward asked coming over and standing beside me.

"Now would probably be better." Emmett said leaning against his jeep. "Bella why don't you go get in the car." Emmett said. I nodded.

"Seeya guys." I said and began to hobble over to Edward's car. I waved at Joey from Edward's car and he smiled back. If my kid was anything like Joey I would be okay I thought rubbing my stomach.

Edward jumped into the car about five minutes later.

"Don't say I told you so." I warned.

"But I did tell you Bella."

"Yeah but I'm your pregnant girlfriend you can't say I told you so to your pregnant girlfriend." I said turning on the radio.

"Since when?" He asked as we pulled out of the hospital car park.

"Since always, I'm not making this up." I said leaning back into the seat. My foot hurt.

"Sure you're not." Edward muttered "Did you pack your bag before I came over?"

"Um... Yes it's on my bed why?" I asked.

"Because your apartment has stairs, and you were going to come to my place anyway, so you wait in the car and I'll go up and get it." Edward said pulling up beside my apartment block.

"Sure." I said leaning over and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Thanks for taking me to the hospital."

"It was no problem, I told you I'm here for it all, whether it's for the baby or for you, I'm here." He said kissing my forehead and jumping out of the car. As I sat in the car, I saw a black Mercedes pull up; at first I thought it was the hooker who lived across the streets client here early, until I saw my father loyal servant Billy get out of the car. He ran around to the doors of the back seat and opened it.

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