18. The Secert Baby Shower!

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"Wow Pixie, your brother's got some taste." Jacob said as he and Alice looked at my ring.

"I thought him everything he knows." Alice said smiling at it. I was happy her and Edward had made up. Their fighting was beyond stupid.

"So you knew?" I asked her.

"Knew who do you think went with him to pick out the ring. The last time we sent Edward out shopping alone we had terrifying results." Alice said with a dramatic shudder.

"He's not that bad." I said becoming slightly dreamy at the mention of my fiancée. Wow that felt weird even to think.

"You never saw him BAI you only saw AAI." She said.

"BAI? AAI?" Jane who was sitting on the bed as well asked.

"Before Alice Intervened and After Alice Intervened." I explained reaching out to take hold of little Josh. He was so cute.

"Be careful with him we wouldn't want someone telling Edward." Jane warned.

"Tell Edward what?" He asked appearing in the door.

"Nothing." The four of us said simultaneously, even little Josh smiled at Edward innocently.

"Come here Buddy." Edward said lifting him off my lap and tickling him a bit, causing him to giggle. "I'm only counting two infants and four ladies, where's Angela, Rose, Mom and Joey?" Edward asked.

"Getting the stuff for the baby shower." Jacob said, Alice turned and hit him straight across the back of his head. "Oh the secret baby shower." Jacob said nodding; Alice hit her forehead with her palm.

"Guys, I said no baby showers." I said ignoring the fact that Jacob could probably have a concussion from the smack he just got from Alice.

"And we didn't listen." Angela said coming into the room holding a giant bag. Joey followed to carrying loads of stuff. Esme and Rose then came in holding platters of food. The rest of the men followed the food. Edward came over and sat on the bed beside me.

"Now seeing as Rose, Angela and myself went shit crazy buying stuff when we found out about Eddie, the Cullen's agreed to pick up the slack and have presents for Ms. Annabelle." Jacob said explaining the split in the ranks "And then I adopted the newcomer to our side because I felt the Cullen's were overpowering us." Jake added pointing to Jane.

"So there was a plan?" Edward asked.

"Totally." Alice said. "Now none of really wanted to do the classic shower with the crappy games, so Mom and I decided to turn it into a nice lunch were we give you guys stuff."

"Okay." I said. I didn't mind getting stuff when it was for the baby.

"So who's first?" Alice said. Joey pushed past her and held out a present.

"That's from me Aunty Bella, I wanted to by my cousin something, and Mommy helped me wrap it." He said proudly, the awes practically echoed as Edward lifted Joey up on to his lap, while I opened the gift. As I was opening it Tanya and Max came in smiling.

"Sorry we're late." Tanya said apologising.

"Yeah. I'm just going to check on Annabelle." He said before heading over to the incubator.

Edward spent the next two hours opening gift after gift, I thought we had finally reached the end when Emmett stepped forward holding a box, he look nervous as he slid in front of me. I nervously reached for the tag and felt the tears come on when I saw the hand writing.

"She left these to me in the will, one for each of us. I gave my one to Rose the day Joey was born." He explained.

"Who's it from?" Edward asked.

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