40. A Slice of Home

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"So you say you know who did it?" I asked as I handed her a coffee. Thankfully Annabelle had calmed down.

"I think you should know more about me before that now don't you." She said and I nodded.

"Of course what's your story?" I asked rubbing Annabelle's back.

"I met Blake from what I figured out two months or so after your relationship with him ended. I wasn't sure about him but he made me feel happy so I went along with it. After awhile I got pregnant, I freaked out. Sure I liked Blake but I wasn't ready to be a Mom. So I didn't tell him and broke up with him. He didn't take it the best and began stalking me when he found out I was pregnant and planning to give the baby up for adoption he attacked me. Leaving me battered and bruised."

"Oh my God, what happened to the baby?" I asked.

"She's alive. She's three. I ended up keeping her thinking if she survived this I was meant to have her." She said "Lesley." She said showing me a picture.

"Cute. Well this is Annabelle and her brother is in the living room." I said bouncing the baby.

"After that he assumed the baby dead and left me. But I couldn't help but think how many other women had he done this to. He had told me about you and painted you in a rather bitchy light but only after some research I discovered what he had done to you." She said. "So once I realised he was working at Cullen Inc. I knew something bad was going to happen and when I say something bad I thought he would end up killing your husband. I had been keeping tabs on him wanting to see him suffer for what he did to my baby." She explained.

"You were there that night?" I asked.

"Yeah I was." She said looking at her hands.

"I saw Blake and his close friend Felix skulking around the parking lot, I'm working in the building next to it and your husband lets us park in there parking lot." She explained and I nodded. "I was shocked when I saw them stab him. Felix is a big guy and the reason there was other blood on the blade was because Blake was being so erratic in his stabs he ended up hitting Felix's arm." She said.

I held Annabelle carefully but I was praying I didn't drop her I was so shocked.

"Edward is a strong guy to survive an attack like that." Heidi added.

"Yeah" I said distractedly "How can we prove it?"

"Easily." She said standing up. "Felix is a simple boy. A big oaf. More brawn than brain."

"Okay?" I said still unsure.

"We just have to get him to confess."

"And we do that how?" I asked.

"That's for me to worry about." She said standing up. "I just need you to watch Lesley for me that night." She shrugged.

"I'll do it." I said nodding.

"Good. Now I'll get out of your hair. I'll be doing it this Wednesday got off work. Are you able to watch her for me?"

"Yeah." I said nodding running my hands through my hair "Just bring her over here." I added.

"Great." She said. "I think it would best to not tell anybody until this is done."

"And how do I explain me minding Lesley to Edward?" I asked.

"I'm an old friend from college and I'm planning to move to the city and I need to watch my daughter while I go look at a late showing." She explained and I nodded.

She left after that and I couldn't help but think there was something shady about this.

"So wait you don't see this woman for how many years and yet you're going to babysit her daughter?" Edward asked as I turned down the guest bed. Heidi had called the other day and we had finalised the details.

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