24. Perfectly Rough

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"THE FIFTH?" Angela screamed down the phone when I told her.

"Yeah why?" I asked juggling Eddie and one of the many wedding binders Alice had left around here while I tidied.

"Why of all days the fifth?" she asked.

"That's the day I met Number Five." I explained as Eddie began to fuss, "Hold on Ang, Eddie's being fussy."

"Pass him off to Number Five so I can yell at you some more." She said quite loudly.

"One I do not pass off my children and two what is so bad about the fifth?" I asked, taking her advice though and handing Eddie to Edward who had just arrived in the kitchen. I mouthed 'Where's Annabelle?' to which he mouthed back 'sleeping'.

"Because I have a date that day!" she yelled.

"With who?" I asked getting excited, Angela didn't date much so when she did it was big new and when I say big I mean BIG!

"You remember Ben Cheney from high school?"

"The one you were madly in love with while Jake and I made fun of you?" I asked getting way to excited and partially happy I handed the baby over. "You're going on a date with him?"

"He got in contact with me on Facebook..." she began but I interrupted.

"I love Facebook."

"It's great right? But as I was saying he contacted me on Facebook and was all like 'I heard you, Bella and Jacob are living in New York, I just got a job out there, we should meet up' to which I replied trying to all cool 'Yeah, sure.' And now he's been living out here over a month and I'!" she said rushing the last part.

"What was that Angela?" I asked shocked.

"Shouldn't you be off feeding a child somewhere Bella?"

"That's why I keep Number Five, now spill!" I demanded, getting weird looks from both Edward and my son.

"Why am I being kept this time?" Edward asked looking nervous.

"Shhh! I'm grilling Angela on something major, by the way don't even think about handing me back Eddie so you can get out of changing him. Fountain or no fountain." I said nodding my head.

"So you're obviously busy..." Angela began.

"Spill!" I repeated when I turned around Edward was now changing to stinking child, thank God. For a small baby he can make some stench.

"I've been dating him for three weeks and he's asked me to go back with him to Forks for fifth of August so we can do the whole hang out with his sibling's thing, it's not exactly meeting the parents but its close enough."

"Bring him to the wedding, Ang your on WPT2, I need you there!" I said pouting, she couldn't see me but she knew.

"I can bring him to the wedding?" she asked sounding shocked.

"Yeah of course you can, Jake and I will need to dust off our 'What are your intentions cards' but it will be fun, it's not like everybody will know everybody there, just slipped his name down as you're plus one, Alice will never know."

"Who are we inviting?" Edward asked struggling to keep Eddie from peeing on the floor.

"The man who will possibly be Angela's future husband depending on my approval." I explained.

"Your approvals easy to get, make him get Emmett's that's harder that getting a drivers license." Edward explained.

"True," I said in agreement.

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