29. Quick Greetings and a Pleasurable Night

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We pulled up the drive to the Cullen's humongous house and saw most of the lights were on.

When we managed to get the kids unloaded and the rest of our bags we walked into the house. It was just as amazing as I remembered. Except for the fact that wedding magazines, giants boards holding seating charts and material were flung all over the place it would've been like no time had passed.

"Hello?" Edward called taking the bags out of my hand while I held Eddie.

"AUNT BELLA!" Joey's voice yelled before launching himself at my legs.

"Hey Buddy." I said ruffling his hair.

"Mommy said I was to practice walking!"

"Did you do it?" I asked.

"What do you think that was?" he asked.

"Try and take it slower Little Man." Edward said.

"Like this." Joey said running like the cast of Baywatch in slow motion.

"We'll work on it tomorrow." Edward said laughing before Esme appeared.

"Oh your hear." She said looking shocked.

"Heaven forbid the bride and groom turn up for their wedding preparations." Edward said mockingly.

"Don't sass me Boy." She said pulling him into a big hug.

"Hey Esme." I said giving her one armed hug as Eddie was sitting on my side. "How far along are we?" I asked.

"Well, for now I've been instructed to tell you that you're getting a brief of the entire thing tomorrow once you've slept. And then Alice has us running around like headless chickens all day. Now come on, I put the kids in the room next to your old one Edward as you get to mind them on the day of the wedding seeing Bella will a bit busy."

"Like I won't be." Edward murmured as we followed his mother up the stairs.

"Now the kids are in here, and Edward I trust you remember where you room is? Good. Now I better go last time I checked Alice was talking so fast I think your father's head was about to fall off." Esme said before running out of the room.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"I have no idea. I think we got the quickest greeting my mother has ever given." He said still looking shocked.

"Does your room have a lock on it?" I asked.

"Last time I checked yeah..." He said before catching onto what I meant. "It does."

"Well come on, help me find their pyjamas and then we can put it to use." I said. The next thing I knew Annabelle was in my arms and he had disappeared. I looked at my children my eyebrows raised. Half a minute later he appeared holding their pyjamas.

"Here you go Love." He said.

"You would think we hadn't had sex in months." I laughed. "And what do you mean; here you go Love, I'm going for a shower." I said handing him the babies.

I then quickly ran to my suitcase and grabbed a sexy but not too revealing red nightie. I still had yet to wear blue but I was saving that for after the wedding. The pieces I had, his eyes would be bugging out.

I quickly showered before getting out and drying my hair off so I didn't look like a drowned rat.

When I was done I pulled on my nightie and my robe before walking out into his bedroom. He was just shutting the door, the lock clicked shut at the exact time I opened the door so he didn't hear me enter. I walked over and laid on the bed. I opened the tie of my night gown so that the sides laid either side of me.

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