27. Repulsion and Devotion Don't Mix

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"Bella come here and get the video camera!" Edward yelled from the living room. He had been home from the hospital for about three days and was finally returning to himself.

Confused by the video camera comment I quickly grabbed it before running downstairs where I had been cleaning while Edward kept an eye on the babies.

When I got to the living room I saw Edward down on his knees on the far side of the room, Annabelle was slowly but surely making her way across the floor on her hands and knees.

"Quick!" Edward said snapping me out of my proud gaze.

I listened to what he said and quickly turned on the video camera before going up behind him to film her crawling.

"Come on Baby Girl. That's it." Edward encouraged as she crawled, she made little grunting sounds as she did which were so cute. One hand went out from underneath her and I panicked. My instincts told me to go grab her when Edward stopped me. "Let her do it." He said watching her intently.

A part of me wanted to hit him. I wasn't going to let my baby girl hurt herself, but just as I was about to ignore him she pushed herself back onto her hands and began pushing herself along again. "That's it Annabelle. Where's Eddie?" I asked.

"On the couch." Edward said bobbing his head in the direction of the couch. I nodded but kept the camera on Annabelle, clicking a freeze frame when she crawled into Edward's arms. "You're such a big girl crawling." He said cooing her, she smiled happy with her own little achievement.

"You know what this means?" I asked. He looked at me and then nodded.

Like it was timed we both said it in unison.

"Baby Gates."

If only the happy atmosphere that Edward and I had between the kids lasted when we out them to bed. We had only had sex once since he had come home and ever since then he had been real withdrawn. I walked into our bedroom having just put Eddie down to find Edward quickly pulling a plain t-shirt over his head.

"You okay Babe?" I asked walking over to him and hugging his waist from behind.

"I'm fine." He said before stepping out of my hold and walking into the closet.

"Are you sure?" I asked leaning against the door frame. Suitcases lined the walls of the closet seeing as we were heading down to Forks tomorrow, the wedding next is next week and we're just going down to finish last minute preparations and make sure everything was the way we wanted.

"I said I'm fine now drop it." He said before trying to walk past me. I grabbed his arm and looked at him.

"No, Edward tell me what's wrong?" I asked, when he asked me to drop it, it proved there was something to 'drop.'

"I just don't see the point in everything when you obviously repulsed by me." He said shrugging my hold off his arm.

"What?" I asked shocked. "Repulsed? Edward I love you, I could never be repulsed by you." I said trying to take his hand into mine but he pulled away.

"The why can't you look at me?" He snapped the venom in his voice almost caused me to cringe.

"I am looking at you." I said nervously.

"But you won't be if I take my shirt off would you?" he asked and I now knew exactly what he was talking about, the moment hung in the air almost too longer before I managed to choke out a feeble.

"Of course."

"Is there even any point in us flying out tomorrow?" he asked his voice hoarse; I could see the emotion building in his eyes as he said this.

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