20. Why Bother Getting Undressed?

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But of course being me, I wasn't in for the night I thought I was in for.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself let's go back a little and I'll explain it all...

See it all started after Edward being the seducer that he is had just said...

"At least we know there's one part of me that will never shrivel up."

Leaving me of course weak at the knees and ready for him.

We slowly and sensually dried each other off, Edward paying a lot of attention to my breasts, before falling into each other's embraces on the bed. I rolled us over so I was on top and his lazy grin just looked like sex on a stick.

I leaned down and kissed it while his hand reached up and pulled the clip holding my hair back out of my hair. It fell in its long curls down to my waist.

"I love your hair." Edward said running his fingers threw it and curling it around his fingers.

"It's too long." I argued wondering why we were talking about my hair.

"No it isn't." Edward said still playing with the strands of my hair. I moved myself down the length of his body before lowering myself onto his hard length.

"Mmmm." We moaned in unison, I loved the feelings I experienced when I was with Edward like this. I began to move up and down, he held my hips guiding me as we moved together. It was then I felt something wet trickle down my leg. My head snapped up.

"A little bit fast there." I said looking at Edward in shock. I loved that I had the ability to make him climax but if it was going to be that quick why even bother getting undressed.

"What?" he asked sitting up a bit, he wasn't panting heavily, a thing for him after he came down from his high.

"You know what." I said hitting his chest. He still looked confused. Oh he was embarrassed, right gotcha "Edward it's okay, I don't mind." I said pulling myself off of him.

"Huh?" he said grabbing my hips not letting me move. Realisation spread all over his fast but what he said next confused me "I didn't cum!"

"Edward it's fine, really we can't be going for that long all the time. I get it." I said rubbing his arm.

"No Bella, I didn't cum." He repeated.

"Then what the hell is all this goo." I said pointing to my leg and the something odd occurred to me "And why is there so much of it?"

"Goo? Did you just call my sperm goo?" he asked looking even more confused, and then another look of realisation came over his face, one of slight panic. "That's not coming from me."

"What?" I asked looking around me. No!

"I think your water just broke." Edward said trying to sound calm but failing miserably.

"Shit. He's coming!" I said shocked.

"Lucky." Edward muttered I hit his arm and he winced.

"1. Ew that's our baby you're talking about. 2. that is so not what I meant. And 3. Now is not the time for you to be thinking about your dick. It's time to revert back to thinking with your brain for a while." I said a bit louder than I normally would have. And then contraction hit me. But because Edward was still inside of me it felt incredible. We both moaned as it hit.

"How do you feel about a home birth?" he asked pulling out of me.

"As good as your face will feel when I punch you, you have the remember this baby is coming from the same gene pull that Emmett is connected too, I am going to need drugs. Severe ones." I said getting up off of the bed. I was about to walk into the closet when another contraction hit me. I leaned against the closet door and gasped, now that one hurt. What was that about a home birth?

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