25. Woah! Didn't See That Coming

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"Bella?" I looked up from my book when I heard my name being called, I had decided to take the twins for a walk in the park and seeing as they were both sleeping it seemed like a rare opportunity to sit down and relax. When I looked up I saw Seth walking towards me, Leah was hot on his heels stomping her stilettos into the ground behind him.

"Hey Seth." I said standing up.

"Dang Girl, no way did you have those two babies." He said looking me up and down.

"Yes I did. I have the scar to prove it." I said referring to the one I had gotten when I had the c-section with Annabelle. "How are you? And why is Leah stalking you like prey?"

"One I am great, all excited for August Fifth as you can tell and Leah is pissed off at me for telling her that you're getting married next month." He explained.

"Oh okay." I said not sure why that would cause upset, it was then Eddie spit up on himself in his sleep. "Classy Dude." I joked lifting him out of his stroller.

"He's not licking it off the stones Bella." Leah murmured and I chose not to glare at her, I was a mother now and childish petty reactions don't seem right anymore.

"Of course, that's a Cullen mannerism right there." I said trying to keep the air light, I hated tension surrounding the babies, according to all the books and stuff it was bad for their development.

"So have you got your dress yet?" Leah asked, I was sort of surprised she was making conversation, Seth was entertaining Annabelle who had just woken up.

"Um yeah the other day, it's that little Missus' one that's causing bother." I joked as I quickly changed Eddie's outer top.

"Your teams are kind of earthy right?" Seth asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, brown and green." I said.

"Leah just made an adorable little dress with those colours didn't you?" He asked Leah and she looked at him perplexed before nodding her head.

"Yeah, it was an assignment for design school that I just got back." She shrugged.

"You will die when you see this." Seth said happily. I raised my eyebrow at him and looked at Leah.

"Can I see it?" I asked I would probably hate it but if got Seth off my back.

"Um, yeah. I have a picture here." She said opening up her bag and taking out her camera. She flicked through the pictures quickly before handing me the camera.

It was really adorable, it was mostly white but the ends looked like they had different colour leaves at the bottom, with a little flower at the hip.

"Oh that is so cute." I cooed and I saw how perfect it was "How much?"

"You're kidding right?" she asked sounding shocked.

"No Leah, her dress is the last one to be gotten and everything else either doesn't go with the theme, isn't nice, Edward and I can't agree on anything for it. So how much and I'll call him now." I said.

"Um, think of it as a wedding present Bella." She said shrugging.

"Oh okay." I said and then I realised something "You didn't know the wedding was on the fifth?"

"No, Seth and Dad were talking about it last night and that's how I heard."

"But I sent you an invite."

"I didn't get one." Leah said looking down at her shoe "I thought I wouldn't be invited what with everything."

"Leah I know we haven't ever really gotten on but you're my sister of course you'd be invited to my wedding."

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