21. Not So Yummy Mummy

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I was asleep on my bed in the hospital when I heard my phone ringing; I rolled over and groggily reached over to my bed side table. But before I could Edward had the phone in his hand and was answering it.

"Hello?" he asked quietly, both the babies were asleep, finally, and we didn't want them to wake up.

"Alice she's asleep." He sighed. He was quiet for a minute before responding.

"You want me to wake up my fiancée who has just given birth to ask her to go shopping with you for bridesmaid dresses, Alice we don't even have a date yet and to be quite honest I actually like living." He said.

"You know as well as I do that if I wake her up she will either kill me or castrate me, either way it doesn't end well for me." Edward explained. And I found myself grinning slightly at that. I rolled over and lazily opened my eyes and grinned at him. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips, I could hear Alice's excessive jabbering on the other end of the line.

"Tell Jacob that just because I value my balls doesn't mean I'm whipped." Edward said laughing.

"I value your balls too!" I whispered so only he could hear and he smirked at me.

"I was whipped before that." Edward exclaimed. At I couldn't help but laugh. "No that's not Bella, its Annabelle she fairly advanced that baby, her excellence comes from her paternal side." He said and I laughed even harder.

"Oh would you look at that, Eddie needs a diaper change got to go." Edward said before snapping the phone shut. "Why are you even a wake? You should be sleeping." He said and I smiled.

"The phone woke me up, I would've never forgiven myself if I had missed that phone call, you're right you're so whipped." I said trying to sit up to kiss him again but it hurt too much so I pulled him towards me.

He smiled against my lips before our lips moulded together. When we pulled away moments something dawned on me.

"Its gonna be a long six weeks." I muttered against his chest.

"Oh yeah." He sighed.

The next day Carlisle came into my room holding the best type of documents ever.

"You really are God." I said as he handed to me.

"Esme said the same thing last night." He muttered and Edward looked like he wanted to be sick.

"Ew Dad!" He said exclaiming his thoughts.

"I'm sorry son, you're the proof that your mother and I don't sit at home reading books and knitting." Carlisle said patting his disgusted son's shoulder before leaving the room with my now signed discharge papers.

"Ew, I will never be able to watch him read or her knit ever again." Edward muttered sitting down on the bed.

I giggled at this while I rolled a sock onto Annabelle's foot, her hands stretching up into air as I did. "I know baby we're going home." I said picking her up and cradling her in my arms.

"Finally right." Edward said as he strapped Eddie into his stroller.

"I know it feel like it has been forever." I said handing Annabelle to him and he strapped her in.

"Hasn't it been?" he joked coming over and wrapping his arms around my waist. I stood up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his.

"I love you." I said as we pulled away.

"I love you too Bella." He said kissing me on the forehead tenderly. "Now come on let's get these baby's home." He said taking the security lock off the stroller and pushing it out of the room. His right arm along around my waist as we slowly walked out of the hospital and got the baby's into the car.

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