48. What's In New Hampshire?

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 stood up in my room and watched as Emmett's car sat there.

The guy should've been a cop he's better at stakes out than most of them.

I had called Rosalie and told her Emmett was here. She didn't seem to care. Or she did but she didn't want me passing on the message. Fat chance of that

They could sort out their own problems. Besides from realising my brother is a complete and utter ass the only thing that's really bothered me in the last couple of weeks was I missed Joey.

I took out my cell phone and scrolled down to the number of the phone I had gotten him for his birthday. I know who gives a four year old a phone? The kid is growing up in New York City. I would rather my nephew have a safe line that he could contact me, his parents or the police should he get separated from whoever was watching him.

The only numbers in the phone were mine, Emmett's, Rosalie's, Edward's and 911, which was listed under help. He was a smart kid so I knew he knew what was going on right now. And I knew it wasn't good for him.

Edward came into the room to find me looking at my phone.

"You really should just call Joey and check he's okay." Edward stated and I sighed.

"It's not that easy Hon. I so wish it was." I said walking over to the bed and lying down. Edward sat down beside me and pulled off his shirt. Eddie had been wiping his nose on him this morning before Edward brought the kids over to his parents so we could talk to Emmett, he was only changing now.

"Well maybe after this we can discuss something with Emmett?" Edward said pulling the shirt over his head.

"I hope so." I said as Edward leaned over and kissed me briefly.

"You ready?" he asked.

"No" I muttered "But hey I said that about motherhood and now look where I am." I said standing up.

"Exactly the attitude to have Love" Edward said hugging me. "I told him this morning to get Rosalie over here so they could both hear what we have to say."

"You spoke to him?" I asked.

"In between threatening to call the Police so he could stop blocking our drive and telling him to go fuck himself, yeah I talked to him." Edward explained as we walked down the stairs hand in hand. When we got to the bottom there was a knock on the door. I looked at Edward expectantly and he opened the door. Emmett and Rosalie stood as far apart as possible on the stoop. Her bump was definitely more defined seeing as she was now in her fifth month having only figure out she was pregnant in her third. "Come on in." Edward said opening the door wider.

"Hey Edward" Emmett muttered as he walked in after Rosalie. I didn't say anything as I walked into the kitchen.

"Rose can I get you anything?" I asked, she was carrying my little niece or nephew and while I wasn't her biggest fan I had to watch out for family.

"No thank you Bella." She stated putting her bag on the kitchen table.

I leaned against the counter and folded my arms as Edward came to stand beside me. Emmett sat down beside Rosalie but they didn't look at each other.

"So what's this all about?" Emmett finally said.

"Glad you asked Emmett. I was afraid I was going to have to smack you with a sign saying something was wrong you oblivious idiot." I hissed. I was about to go further when Edward put his hand on my arm.

"What Bella means to say is that we're royally pissed with you two." Edward explained.

"I don't see what trouble you have with me Edward." Rosalie stated and I rolled my eyes.

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