10. Apartment Approving

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Apartment hunting has to be the worst thing in the world. So far it had been two hours of the estate agent showing us apartments that would be either unpractical or just downright nasty, I know this is New York and all but surely there had to be a decent apartment somewhere.

"Let me show the master bedroom just in here, I think you'll like it." The realtor Tyler said leading me towards the back of the apartment. Edward was outside on a phone call, and I couldn't have felt more uncomfortable with Tyler by myself, he kept ogling my chest when he thought Edward wasn't looking it was highly annoying.

The apartment we were currently in made me feel like if I touched anything it would break, it was all glass windows and some walls were even glass, the thought of having a baby here made me uncomfortable.

Speaking of baby suitable apartments I have yet to see one, I think Edward either forgot to mention this to Tyler, or he clearly didn't know what was suitable when it came to kids.

The master bedroom while nice had a big glass window that could be opened fully, the idea made my skin crawl.

"So what do you think Bella?" Tyler asked. Have my eyes been moved to my chest and no one told me? I didn't think so.

"Well it's nice, but all this glass and big windows that can be fully opened are making me feel really uncomfortable." I said.

"Why is that?" Tyler asked. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to find Edward standing behind Tyler.

"Because we're looking for something for Bella and the baby, like I told you three times on the phone." Edward said walking past Tyler to stand beside me; he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me close to him.

"And what is it about the windows that make you uncomfortable?" Tyler asked not getting it, before I could respond his phone beeped and he answered leaving the room.

"I really don't think he has the right idea of what we're looking for." I said pressing my forehead into his shoulders. I felt his lips press against the top of my head. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"We'll find the right place Love, I promise." He said kissing my cheek.

"Well we better find it quick because my lease is up next week." I groaned.

"I know Love, we'll find it." He said taking my hand in his and walking out of the bedroom. I was really emotional as of late and Edward has very well strategically been dealing with, I felt like an idiot when I cried over the fact I couldn't reach a cup in the cabinet yesterday but Edward assured me it was okay. I still think it was stupid.

My stomach was growling at me, so far Edward hadn't heard it but now I was actually starving.

"Your Baby is hungry again." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Okay we'll go get something to eat now; I'll just tell Tyler we're finished for the day." He said kissing the top of my hand. I smiled at the gesture as he spoke with Tyler, who I couldn't help but notice kept looking at my boobs again, pissing me off to a great extent.

"See something you like? Their sore, heavy and painful at the moment so if you feel like you could deal with it better be my fucking guest." I hissed causing Edward to look in Tyler's view line.

"Oh for fuck sake, yeah you've just lost a sale." Edward said reaching for my hand and pulling me out the door. "I thought I was just imagining he was looking at your chest, Jesus I am so sorry Love." Edward said dragging me into the elevator. Just as the door was about to shut, a suit case came through the doors and my father walked in, could this day get any worse.

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