22. Luck

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"Edward is in a meeting but you can head in if you want, it's just with the boys from the legal team." Mrs. Cope explained.

"Sure thing." I said as she laid Eddie back into the stroller. I placed Annabelle in the stroller aswell before pushing it over to his office door. I knocked before opening the door.

Edward looked up as I did and smiled at me.

"Hey Love." He said standing up. "Gentleman you know Bella right?"

Two of the three men sitting across from him mumbled something incoherent while the third turned to look at me. Even though it had been over two years I knew him straight away.

Blake Anderson.

Nothing could ever be easy in my life could it?

"Hey, Doris said I could come in." I said pushing the stroller out of the doors draft way.

"Yeah we just finished there." Edward explained, pushing back the hood on the stroller and smiling in at the babies. The three men began to file out of the room, well except for one.

"Bella Swan?" Blake asked causing me turnaround from the stroller.

"Blake? Um how have you been?" I asked I hate these conversations with exes.

"Good, you've been busy?" he said like a question. "I didn't realise Mr. Cullen was married."

"Not yet Anderson." Edward explained "But come August she'll be Mrs. Cullen, right Love?"

"That is the general plan." I smiled as Edward kissed my cheek.

"Oh." Blake said "Interesting..." he muttered.

"Pardon?" Edward asked as he picked Eddie out of the stroller. I was curious too.

"Just how you didn't want to start a family with me because we weren't married and now you have not one but two babies with a guy you aren't married to." Blake said and I felt like I had been slapped in the face.

"What?" Edward asked looking pale.

"I didn't want a baby with you because you were the ass who cheated on me Blake and to be quite honest I don't think it's appropriate to bring this up in your bosses office, in front of him and my children." I said feeling disgusted.

"Anderson I'll come talk to you later." Edward said as a sign of dismissal.

"Of course Sir. Nice to see you again Iz." Blake said before leaving Edward's office.

"Bastard." I whispered under my breath annoyed.

"Bella are you okay?" Edward said coming up behind me and rubbing my shoulder.

"No." I said simply, I turned into Edward's arms and the arm that wasn't holding Eddie wrapped around me "But this helps." I murmured against his chest.

"Come on." He said placing Eddie in the stroller before leading me over his chair and sitting me into his lap. "What was that about?"

"I just... Blake and I had been dating for about a year give or take when he told me he wanted me to go off the pill. I was confused but I thought he had heard something bogus about my pill and just didn't want me to get sick but then the next time we were, you know..." I began not really wanting to talk to my fiancée about the sex I had with my old person "He didn't put on a condom, I stopped him and reminded him I was off the pill and then he told me it was because he wanted us to start a family."

"What?" Edward asked.

"I was shocked so I did the first thing I could think of, I told him I didn't want to have a baby with a guy who I wasn't married to and he got all mad, so I let him think we were going to start a family. And the after awhile I thought this could really happen and I was starting to get excited about the idea." I explained hating that I had to tell Edward this.

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