38. Our Jenks vs The Other Jenks

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Calming deep breaths.

Large, like you've been deprived of oxygen for six years deep breaths.

I felt Edward take hold of my hand as Jenks; 'our' lawyer led us into the court house.

I use inverted commas over 'our' as I had never met the man until last week so I don't see how well he'll be able to represent me. But Edward assures me he's the best so I have to believe him.

"So let's go over the plan one more time." Jenks said stopping right in front of the door.

"Again?" I asked. "I could say the plan in my sleep at this stage." I sighed.

"I think all of us can." Edward added.

"It doesn't hurt to be prepared. So the judge will open the case then the defence will give their statement. Then I'll make a statement. You will then both be called to the stand along with Mrs. Cope. Separately of course. Then the judge will probably call recess for the jury to decide. And then we'll be called back in for the verdict." Jenks said as he dug into his briefcase.

"Jason." An even older looking guy said coming up beside Jenks. "Come to watch your big bro in action huh?"

"Sorry John no. I'm representing the Cullens." He stated.

"Brotherly rival?" I whispered to Edward who nodded.

"Well then may the best man win?" Jenks' brother, John said extending his hand.

Jenks took it and nodded "That was my plan in anyway."

We then followed the men into the court room.

Seeing the stand, the judge's seat, the jury taking their seats I began to feel queasy.

"You're going to do great Love." Edward whispered.

"I'm going to throw up." I corrected him straightening my skirt for the umpteenth time.

"Stop with the fidgeting." He said pressing his lips to my temple and I nodded.

"I love you." I murmured into his chest.

"I love you too now come on. It's time we see Anderson get his just deserts." He smirked leaning in and kissing me. Just the reassurance I needed.

"You always say the right things." I sighed before we took our seats. Edward and I were sitting up beside Jenks, well 'our' Jenks. While the other Jenks was sitting across from us.

"All rise. The Honourably Judge Arthur Jones presiding over case #3545 Mr. Blake Anderson versus the state and Mr. Edward Cullen." The Bailiff said as we all stood up.

An old-ish man came walking into the room, his dark skin weathered and his black hair greying.

"Bring out prisoner #370009845, Mr. Blake Anderson." The Judge called at a sliding door opened to reveal Blake in a suit and tie. He glared at Edward and me before he was stood at his table. "Council men you may approach the bench."

The two Jenks approached the judge and had a brief discussion. I could feel a glare on me but I refused to give. I glanced back to see Emmett, Dad and Carlisle sitting side by side. Carlisle nodded at me sympathetically Edward had yet to catch on to Blake's gazes or he had and he was choosing to avoid them.

The two Jenks returned the desks "Defence would you like to make your statement?" The judge asked.

"Yes your Honour." The other Jenks said standing up. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury look at my client would you." He said indicating to Blake. "I know when I was first handed this man's case I expected a ruthless harsh killer, I was pleasantly surprised. I appeal to you Ladies and Gentlemen have you ever felt a crushing kind of love?"

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