39. A Brief Look Into The Male Mind

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I sat in the window seat in my living room watching people walk past our house.

My hair was scraggily pulled back. I was wearing sweat pants and Edward's Dartmouth sweatshirt. The kids were asleep and the house was quiet. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

"Hi you've reach Rosalie do your thing." The voice message beeped.

"So you're still ignoring the world huh?" I questioned "Me too..." I trailed off when I heard her pick up the phone.

"Bella?" she asked I could hear how dry and scratchy her voice was.

"I'm here Rosy." I said.

"He can't be... he'll miss everything. I can't..." She whispered before her tears over crowded.

"You should stay with me and Edward for awhile; I can help look after Joey." I said.

"No. I'm staying here. Emmett is coming home Bella. He's innocent."

"I know Rose." I said "Edward knows that."

"He does?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, He's never doubted it."

"That means so much Bella." She whispered. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, anything Rosy." I said trying to keep back my tears.

"I'm pregnant." She choked out. "I need him home."

"Oh God" I gasped "Are you okay?"

"This baby will be fifteen by the time he gets out. Joey will be almost a man. He needs to come home. He can't miss this." She cried.

"Where's Joey now?" I asked.

"Asleep. But he's going to wake up any minute and ask where his Daddy is."

"Okay." I nodded and Edward came into the living room, he looked tired. His loosened his tie and walked towards me. He placed his hands on my shoulders. "Call me if you need anything Rose."

"Okay, he's awake now. Thanks Bella."

"Love you Rosy." I told her using Emmett's nickname for her and she laughed a tearful chuckle.

"Love you too Bells." She said using my nickname from Emmett before hanging up. I hung up the phone before leaning my back into Edward. My tears rolled down my cheeks, he wrapped his arm around my front and lifted me up so he could rest me on his lap.

"I miss him so much." I whispered and he nodded. "I hate Blake. I hate him so much. I'm gonna kill him if I ever see him again. I hope he gets killed in prison." I screamed and Edward stayed by my side holding me to him letting it all out. "And now Rose is pregnant and he's going to miss so much." I sobbed.

He didn't say anything but continued to hold me. When I emotionally spent I slumped against him.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I could feel his tears against my cheek. We sat together wrapped up in each other. We were off in our little world that when I heard little hands slap against the floor I was shocked. "How?" Edward asked.

"He was asleep on the couch. Annabelle's up in bed." I said as I bent down to pick up my son. "Hey Buddy."

My son has the need to keep me happy, something I swear he got from his father so he stuck his two hands up to my face and pushed my lips out to make me smile. He then nodded his head.

"Good boy." Edward said taking our son's hand into his own. Eddie shook his hand away from Edward's and wrapped his arms my neck.

"Love you Eddie." I said rubbing his back.

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