46. Making Wonderful Music

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Getting out of the car I pulled the many bags out behind me. I unlocked the front door and headed inside.

"Edward?" I called out into the hallway.

"Kitchen" He answered. I walked in to see Eddie resting against Edward chest while Annabelle sat on the dining room floor playing. Edward was stirring sauce of some kind in the pan.

"Momma, momma!" Annabelle said clapping her hands when she saw me.

"Hey Baby Girl." I said putting the bags on the table and picking her up. "Where you good for Daddy?" I asked. She smiled up at me and I took that as a yes.

"Hey Love." Edward said kissing my cheek while trying not to disturb Eddie.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He started crying when I hung up the phone with you, I've just barely gotten him to stop. I think he wanted you because every time I tried to pick him up he shook his head and kicked." Edward said looking at the calming baby in his arm.

"I say he's just a little tired still." I said kissing Eddie's forehead. "And don't feel bad about him crying for me do you know how many times I have been told 'no' by this little Madame while you're at work?" I said pointing to Annabelle who smiled innocently. I put her down in the playpen I had in here for when I was cooking and took Eddie from Edward's arm. "Did you miss your Momma Buddy?" I asked as his little face nuzzled my neck.

Edward rubbed the back of his neck as he reached over and dumped for more vegetables in the pan.

"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"Turkey stir-fry." He said moving them around the pan "Are you hungry?"

"I only had a light lunch with Alice." I shrugged.

"Speaking of my sister what did she want, besides disturbing my alone time with you?"

"We haven't hung out in awhile and what with everything going on like Eddie being in hospital and stuff with you she thought I needed to unwind."

"So what did she need your help in?" he asked.

"You don't want to know." I said rubbing Eddie's back.

"Tell me."

"Edward I was helping your little sister buy birthday sex lingerie for her husband." I said, not exactly a lie. Alice didn't want Edward accidentally letting it slip to Jasper so I had been sworn to secrecy.

"An image I could have gone my entire life without needing to see." He muttered.

"You wanted to know." I shrugged.

"You could've lied."

"I stink at lying." I told him as I put Eddie down in the play pen beside Annabelle.

"That pink bag looks awfully small for three items." Edward commented as I looked into the bags.

"Because they are in this one." I said holding up the white bag with the swirling black and pink writing on it.

"Agent Provocateur?" he asked reading the bag.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'

"Never heard of it." He shrugged.

"It's like a classier more expensive version of Victoria Secret." I explained.

"As long as I get to rip it from your body I'm okay."

"You will not be ripping these panties." I warned and he smirked at me. "I mean it." I said as I held up the pink bag "These are the replacement panties because I have no more sets of underwear, tonnes of bras no panties. You can rip these." I then held up the white bag "These are the ones that if you rip you're just going to have to use the pictures of me in them to get off because Lord knows I won't be helping you." I said.

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