50. We Haven't Even Started Yet

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"I'm only exhausted." Edward said flopping down on the bed. "I think I ate too much" He said opening the belt of his jeans and extending his non-existent stomach. "My six-pack is going to become a keg before we know it."

"Oh yeah 'The Biggest Loser' team are going to be beating down our door any day now" I said pulling on my pyjamas.

"I will deny this to the grave if you tell a soul but your mass potatoes are sixty times better than Mom's." He said holding up the quilt for me to climb under.

"Is that so?" I asked rolling my eyes as I climbed in beside him.

"Definitely" He said pressing his lips to mine. "You taste of cinnamon" he mused pulling back.

"It's Christmas, a girl can't enjoy some candy cane hot chocolate." I said with laughter.

"I wasn't knocking it just taking notice."

"Oh yes I am always curious about how I taste." I said kissing him.

"You should be" He said pulling away and resting on my side. "So how do you think our first official Christmas together went?" he asked.

"Spectacular." I told him "I'm quite proud of us"

"Really?" he asked

"Yes, nothing got broken, all the kids wanted to do was play in the boxes of their toys, we have enough new clothes for them to last until your birthday nearly and everyone seemed to be happy of their presents." I said with a smile.

"And you do like your present?" he asked.

"Which one from you or the kids?" I asked. Edward had gotten me a voucher for a spa from the kids and a trip to France from him.

"Both" He said.

"Well the spa thing was a great idea and then the fact that I get a whole week in Paris France with you is just surreal, I really do love it." I said kissing him again. "It's my present to you I'd be worried about."

"The watch? I love it." He said picking it up reading the inscription on the back read 'So Daddy knows how much he's missing us' "And the trip to Vegas in June? I'm way too excited about that." He said.

Alice, Rose, Angela, Leah, Jane, Jacob and I had all bought our men a trip to Vegas for a weekend. Esme couldn't wait to babysit the kids while we all went away.

"I'm glad." I said.

I bet you noticed two names in that list Leah and Jane.

Well Jane fell off the grid on us for awhile, turned out she was seeing the nicest guy ever named Demetri. They got engaged at Thanksgiving and he was going to adopt Josh. The three of them were the cutest little family.

And Leah? Ever since that night we introduced her to James they've been inseparable. Literally, he's already met Charlie who approves greatly. He even applauded Edward and me for our matchmaking skills.

The reason we were going to Vegas in June was that Alice and Rose didn't want to be pregnant for the trip.

I wouldn't mind it though if I was. Edward and I had agreed to start trying for baby number three after February. Neither of us really wanted to wait but as I said before I think it was right until Eddie at least hit one.

Emmett and I were almost back to the way were before all of this began. We had our Bellie and Emmie days with our minies like he had promised when I had first gotten pregnant. Even Rosalie and I were good; I helping the guys paint the nursery the other day as they had found out the sex.

They were having a little girl. Come early March were going to have little Izzy Renee Swan according to Em. Yeah they were naming her Isabella but I told them she had to be Izzy to save confusion to which they both agreed. Joey had been the one who suggested it and Edward thought it was a great choice of name.

Alice and Jasper had also found out the sex of their baby and Come late March we would have little Brandon Carlisle Whitlock.

Esme and Carlisle were beside themselves with all the grandchildren they were getting.

Heidi and I were still keeping in touch, she had met a guy called Alec and had moved to Italy with him saying Leslie and she needed a complete fresh start and I couldn't agree with her more.

Jacob and Seth? They got to New Hampshire, kidnapping me on their way making me the witness to their union. They did literally kidnap, bound my hands, and covered my eyes. The bastards nearly made me crap my pants but it was a nice ceremony.

Cullen Inc. had a massive turnover this year, its business year ending on the 21st of December because really Edward was a big kid at heart. According to his reports we (being the operative word) had signed on six new musicians and merged with many other small music labels.

I was slowly becoming more involved in the business, I was sitting in on meetings and helping Edward make some of the decisions along with the investors. I felt like I was contributing a bit more and it made me feel even more fulfilled.

Annabelle had taken her first steps on Thanksgiving Day and I cried with pride. Eddie was crawling after her and Edward made sure to never miss a Kodak moment.

Sometimes I think it's all too surreal.

Wasn't life supposed to be...?

Boy meets girl

Girl meets boy

Boy and girl fall in love

Boy and girl get married

Boy and Girl make babies

Boy and Girl die in old folks home

You know the American dream?

For me it couldn't have gone further from the original plan.

To think only a little over a year ago I was sitting in my apartment waiting for my life to begin when all I needed to do was open my eyes and see what really in front of me is surreal.

Edward was always there, in some form or another. Fate was planning this for a long time. Since the day the Cullen's opted for their kids to go to private school instead of Forks High fate was working it's magic to bring me and Edward together and I think fate can sit back now and enjoy the fruits of it labour.

My story wasn't a fairytale. You wouldn't find it in a movie, a song and it is definitely not what you read in books but it's my story.

And I've told it now.


Has it only just begun?

"Love you Bella" Edward said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Love you too Edward." I said before drifting off to sleep.

Yup it was only beginning.


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