6. Like Living In Disney Land

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Chapter Six

The next morning when I woke up I found myself once again worshipping to the Porcelain God, it seems like a forced religion but I suppose we bring these things upon ourselves, by having sex and eating over half a gallon of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I swear the baby wanted it at the time.

Once I was done I walked into the kitchen to find a note from Angela that she had to run for work. I nodded and tossed the note in the trash before getting a glass of orange juice. I grabbed my phone and saw three missed calls from the number Charlie had called from last night. I deleted the calls and shut my phone. I walked into my room and found an outfit lay out on my bed. I had only known Alice for a short time but I knew her handy worked when I saw it.

I looked at the note attached to the hanger

Wear to Sunday lunch I knew you'd freak when you realise you had no clothes.

I didn't know whether to be offended or relieved I took the road of relief and remained calm for Alice's sake if anything, I took the outfit and hung it up in my closet before remembering I had to call Emmett.

I pulled my phone out of my robe pocket and dialled his number.

When he answered it I could hear Rosalie's voice in the background.

"Hey Bella." Emmett said.

"Hey Emmett. Why are you not at work?"

"This thing called a day off." Emmett said sounding shocked.

"Oh right, can you do me a favour?"

"Depends on the favour." Emmett said sounding intrigued at the very least.

"Yesterday Edward and I saw his Mom while we were having dinner at this restaurant he owns..." I began when I got interrupted.

"I thought Edward worked in music."

"He does."

"And he owns a restaurant, over achiever, so you saw his Mom..."

"Yeah and she asked me to Sunday lunch and I told her how I always go to yours, so she invited you, Rosalie and Joey." I said quickly.

"And you want us to go with you, Bella I really don't want to have to go and be stuck taking to Edward the whole time." He began to whine and my face fell, I then heard Rosalie take the phone off of him.

"So Edward's mom invited the four of us to lunch huh? That sounds fun we'll be there." She said.

"But Emmett said..." I began when Rosalie interrupted me.

"I'll sort out him in a minute you go and call Mrs. Cullen and tell her we'll be there."

"Thank you Rosie you're the best ever you know." I said.

"You bet honey, I'll talk to you later bye."

"Bye." I said hanging up. I really needed Emmett to start liking Edward or my life was going to have more stress than necessary.

I tidied my apartment before calling the maid service and telling me I was leaving, they asked did I want maternity leave instead and I almost said yes but I knew Edward would probably hate that so I declined. They understood and wished me luck with the baby.

I got into the shower and got rid of all the excess hair on my body. I had been celibate for awhile and my sudden sex life had come as a bit of a shock I can't believe I had sex without shaving my legs what sort of sicko does that. Once I had de-haired as well as I could I stepped out of the shower.

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