45. My Strong Little Boy

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For the next week things were tense. Edward continued to sleep in the guest room and I lay sleeplessly in our room. He was gone most mornings when I woke up leaving me with two tired babies. The tense atmosphere around them was doing a number on their moods so my life was fan-fucking-tastic right now.

Right now I was at home with both kids while Edward was out at work. I was in the kitchen while the kids played in the living room with the t.v on.

I was in the middle of cursing my husband when I was pulled from my thoughts.

"Momma" Annabelle cried from the living room I moved the pan off the hob and ran in.

"What's wrong Baby Girl?" I asked she seemed fine.

"Eddie?" she asked and I looked around.

"Eddie?" I yelled usually he came from his hiding spot straight away. "Eddie!" I repeated. "Fuck!" I said looking around for my son.

"Edward Cullen you come out from where you're hiding right now!" I yelled getting worried, yes I full named the baby but I was freaking out.

I rounded the couch and found Eddie curled up in a ball. I crouched down beside him and realised he wasn't awake. "Eddie, Eddie wake up for Momma." I said but nothing. I laid him out flat on his back. I took his pulse it was still there thank God.

"Shit, shit and shit!" I called out to no one in particular picking up my phone.

"911 what is your emergency?" the male operator asked.

"My son, he was playing and then I couldn't find him and now he's passed out and his breathing isn't right. I need an ambulance!" I said panicking.

"Ma'am you need to calm down." The operator said.

"Is your child past out no! When they are I'll tell you to calm down and we'll see if you comply. Get me a damn ambulance!" I yelled Annabelle started crying. I rattled the address off to the operator.

"Ma'am did you check his pulse?" The operator asked.

"Yes, it's still there."

"The ambulance has been dispatched and will be turning into your residence in three minutes."

Those were the longest fucking three minutes of my life.

"Ma'am my name is Carl Michaels I am from New York General Hospital I need you step back."

"He's only nine, eight months." I said not wanting to leave him. Another paramedic pulled me back and I ran to grab Annabelle as they put Eddie on a stretcher and gave him a breathing bag.

"Momma! Eddie no!" Annabelle said.

Never did I think she would use all those three words in the one sentence.

I hugged her face to my chest as I locked up the house and ran out to the ambulance. I held Annabelle on my lap.

"Ma'am we need to get his details."

"Yes, his name is Edward Cullen; he'll nine months old in the coming weeks." I said.

"Medical history?" the paramedic asked.

"Um... when he was in the womb he was exposed as his sister was a preemie, but he was carried full term, it's all in his file..." I said. Eddie was my strong little boy what happened?

"Okay, allergies?"

"No food ones yet." I said he hadn't reacted to anything I had given him. "What's wrong with him?" I asked but we were now at the hospital and my questions were unanswered.

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