17. Happiness in the Eye of the Beholder

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Minutes turned to Hours. Hours turned to Days. And Days turned to weeks.

It had been eight weeks since Annabelle's traumatic birth and I was now approaching my seventh month of pregnancy with her brother.

A 39% survival rate. That's all she had and this was lowered due to the fact that she had a twin. Max estimated in between 25%-30% percent chance of her surviving. I sobbed for hours when they told me this. Edward crumbled upon hearing the numbers. He can't look at her. Every time he does he breaks down.

However the one trait I had wished my children did not inherit from me has been a God send.

Annabelle was stubborn. She wasn't letting go and every day she was improving. I still hadn't held her and my arms ached to but they couldn't take her out of the incubator yet. A full term pregnancy is 32-40 weeks. Annabelle was born at 23 weeks, Max and the hospitals own obstetrician wanted to wait 10 weeks before taking her out of the incubator just to be cautious.

Edward and I had decided over the last couple of weeks that while there were valid reasons for me keeping my own apartment, once Eddie (Edward Jr.) was born there was no way either one of use could take care of both of them alone. So we put the apartment back on the market and Esme set herself the task of turning Edward's bachelor pad into a family home. I told her to keep the nursery the same as the way Edward had done it but to put an extra crib, changing table and closet in there, so that we could keep the babies in the same room. It was also the closest one to mine and Edward's room.

I sat in the large chair watching Annabelle sleep. She looked like a little angel her thumb tucked into her little mouth. I grabbed the camera and made sure the flash was off before quickly capturing the moment on film. Esme came and sat with me for awhile.

"Now are you going to tell me what's bothering you Bella or am I going to have to drag it out of you." Esme said as she said she sat across from me.

"She eight weeks old and I haven't held her. How soon am I going to hold her brother when he's born? Probably straight away, I feel bad watching her lie there." I said.

"I know what you mean. When Alice was born they had here in one of these." Esme said.

"Really?" I asked "I never knew."

"No one does, only Alice, Carlisle and I. Edward was too young to remember. I just kept thinking about how crucial everyone told me it was to hold your baby when they were born and how much I had held Edward when he was born. But it all went away when they took her out and they swaddled her up and placed her in my arms. I'm sure Edward had told how much your world does change when you hold them." Esme said.

"Thanks Esme." I said leaning my head against the side of my chair.

Just two more weeks and I'll hold you Baby. I promise.

I had been asleep on the bed; the hospital had kindly left in here when I heard someone come in. The sound of high heels against tile floors could wake anybody up, I sat up and to my amazement I saw Lean standing over the incubator.

"Who let you in here?" I asked getting up off the bed. She looked at me before walking over and taking my hand.

"I am so sorry Bella." She said shaking her head.

"Leah please, I don't need this right now, I have to take care of my daughter." I said dropping her hands and walking over to the incubator. I heard her walk out of the room but I didn't move. Annabelle was kicking her legs again but this time her eyes were wide open.

Again Edward had been right. Her eyes were changing and you could see them turning brown. I just hope Eddie had his father's eyes. I would love for them to be a perfect mix between Edward and me. I couldn't help the smile that crept over my face as I watched her kick her legs. As if they timed it, Eddie began kicking too.

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