32. Everthing Clicked!

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I woke up the next morning at around 11:30.

Edward was asleep beside me so I crawled out of his arms and walked into the bathroom, collecting my robe on the way and my hair brush. Once I was presentable I walked out of the bathroom to see him waking up and sitting up.

"Morning." I said walking over to him and crawling onto the bed.

"Morning to you too." He said kissing me.

"Do you know what today is?" I asked biting my lip.

"Of course I know what it is but I want to hear you say it." He said.

"Today is the day we get married." I said a big smile appearing on my face. A matching one appeared on his.

A brief knock came on the door followed by a "These kids want their Mommy." From Jacob. I laughed and opened the door, knowing Edward was covered.

"Morning." I said excitedly.

"Oh no she's hyper." Jake said still a little pissed about Mr. S bailing on him.

"Jakey it's my wedding day what happened to being all happy and stuff." I said hitting his arm as I took my kids from him.

"I am but it's still early." He muttered.

"Perk up Dude or I'll make sure you don't get to go to Alice's next show with male models." I warned and he smiled brightly.

"Morning Number Five want to help me perk up?" he asked.

"No." Edward said pulling the pillow over his face and I laughed.

"We'll be down later Jake, did they have breakfast?"

"Yup and I have the lovely pleasure of changing the demon spawn. Never again."

"Okay." I laughed before shutting the door and carrying them over to the bed. "I think we should wake Daddy up." I said giggling as Eddie grabbed at the pillow trying to see Edward.

"Daddy's awake." He said sitting up.

"See you did it guys." I said enthusiastically.

"Over achieving children." He murmured reaching for Eddie.

"Well they are you friggin kids." I said kissing one of Eddie's cheeks.

"True." He answered smiling at me. I sat on the bed and played with Annabelle.

"Can you say Mommy?" I asked her. I knew it would be awhile before she would talk but I wanted to see Edward's reaction.

"Is a cheat." He said adding on to my sentence.

"Am not." I said hitting the arm that wasn't holding Eddie.

"Whatever you say." He murmured watching Eddie play with his own hands. His eyes glazed over a bit and I wondered why.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I never saw myself ever getting the chance to settle down and have kids, I wanted to I just never thought it would happen. Now that it's all happening it's just... wow." He said watching our son. "It's a long time dream come true."

"For me too." I said sitting Annabelle on the bed, Edward did the same with Eddie and we watched them interact with each other, we had only done this a view times as most of the time they were being held by one of us but they never are really sat down and let play with each other.

Annabelle the only one able to crawl just yet did just that and went to sit beside her little brother and they began to babble and gurgle at each other.

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